
by The Confederated Empire of Derthalen. . 25 reads.

The Imperial Truth: A Summary

The Imperial Truth

The Imperial Truth is the atheist rationalist doctrine espoused by the Emperor of Mankind as part of the Great Crusade. According to the Imperial Truth, the Emperor believed that religion and superstition had divided mankind too much during its history. It is a collection of ideologies that upholds the core values of reason, science and secular progress over the older traditions of religion, superstition and faith.

The Imperial Truth also held that humanity was the species which should rightfully rule the galaxy since its physical form was the most pure. An important element of the Imperial Truth's ideology was the belief that it was now Mankind's turn to find a place in the sun and come to dominance in the Milky Way -- and that humanity was more deserving of such a position than other species.

While the Imperial Truth upheld the light of reason and science, it did have one proscription: men must never develop artificially intelligent machines. This creed lent the Emperor's symbolic support to all of the scientists, sceptics and thinkers on whom the Emperor's plans for a united, galaxy-spanning human civilisation hinged. The Emperor hoped that a new age of science and technological progress would solidify and consolidate the gains He and His warriors had made in achieving a new place for Mankind in the galaxy, a restoration of humanity's rightful place as the predominant intelligent species in the known universe.

Stolen from Karjin.
