
by The Holy Yellow CAM of Nadir Dystopia. . 2,836 reads.



[url=#Nat]1. NATION[/url]
[url=#Cit]2. CITIZENS[/url]
[url=#Gov]3. GOVERNMENT[/url]
[url=#Eco]4. ECONOMY[/url]
[url=#Wor]5. WORLD RANKINGS[/url]

[anchor=Nat][/anchor][b]1. NATION[/b]
The Holy Blue Empire of Nadir Dystopia is a [b]Corporate Police State[/b] known for.

[anchor=Cit][/anchor][b]2. CITIZENS[/b]
[box][b]gargantuan, efficient nation, orderly nation[/b]
[b]- Defense:[/b] infamous sell-swords, ubiquitous missile silos,  compulsory military service 
[b]- Education:[/b] fear of technology, suspicion of poets, complete lack of public education
[b]- Environment:[/b] flagrant waste-dumping, barren, inhospitable landscape, Nadir Dystopia's national animal is the Monster Pepero, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation
[b]- Healthcare:[/b] strictly enforced bedtime, deadly medical pandemics, prohibition of alcohol
[b]- Industry:[/b] enslaved workforce
[b]- Law & Order:[/b] teetotalling pirates, frequent executions,  closed borders, complete lack of prisons, public floggings, prohibition of alcohol, compulsory gun ownership, Crime is all-pervasive, perhaps because of the country's complete lack of prisons
[b]Public Transport:[/b] lack of airports
[b]- Social Policy:[/b] triple-decker prams,   zero percent divorce rate, avowedly heterosexual populace, aversion to nipples, compulsory vegetarianism, parental licensing program
[b]- Spirituality:[/b] ritual sacrifices, national religion is Dominionist Wahabism.
[b]- Welfare:[/b] complete absence of social welfare

The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical, humorless, devout population of 11.709 billion Nadir Dystopians are ruled with an iron fist by the corrupt, dictatorship government, which oppresses anyone who isn't on the board of a Fortune 500 company. Large corporations tend to be above the law, and use their financial clout to gain ever-increasing government benefits at the expense of the poor and unemployed.

[b]Leading Causes of Death:[/b]
Disappearance: 84,9 %
Cancer: 7,5 %
Ritual Sacrifice: 2,7 %
Heart Disease: 1,1 %
Scurvy: 1,1 %
Malnourishment: 0,7 %
Acts of God: 0,7 %
Exposure: 0,5 %
Accident: 0,2 %
Old Age: 0,3 %
Work: 0,3 %

[anchor=Gov][/anchor][b]3. GOVERNMENT[/b]
The minute, corrupt, moralistic, pro-business, well-organized government, or what there is of one, is solely concerned with Spirituality. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Genova 13. Income tax is unheard of. 

[b]Government Expenditure % GDP[/b]
Government Budget Details 
The Holy Blue Empire of Nadir Dystopia has no detectable government spending. The chart below estimates the priorities of Treasurer Marrano Rajao.

Nadir Dystopia Government Expenditure
16 trillion Gold Deudas 0.4 % GDP

[floatleft]Spirituality:[/floatleft][floatright]100 %[/floatright]

[anchor=Eco][/anchor][b]4. ECONOMY[/b]
The frighteningly efficient Nadir Dystopian economy, worth a remarkable 4,376 trillion Gold Deudas a year, is driven almost entirely by the private sector, which is fairly diversified and led by the Gambling industry, with major contributions from Uranium Mining, Arms Manufacturing, and Woodchip Exports. Average income is an amazing 373,749 Gold Deudas, but there is an enormous disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 1,943,306 per year while the poor average 38,841, a ratio of 50.0 to 1.

[b]Nadir Dystopia Economic Statistics[/b]
Poorest 10 %: 40,174 Gold Deudas
Richest 10 %: 1,832,390 Gold Deudas

Private Industry: 98.6 %
Black Market: 1 %
Government: 0.4 %

[anchor=Wor][/anchor][b]5. WORLD RANKINGS[/b]
[b]Top 1% of the World[/b]:
Ignorance, Religiousness, Obesity, Industry: Gambling, Primitiveness, Death Rate, 
Political Apathy, Corruption, Charmlessness, Industry: Timber Woodchipping, Industry: Pizza Delivery, Industry: Mining, Industry: Insurance, Industry: Furniture Restoration, Rudeness, Freedom From Taxation, Weaponization, Average Income of Rich, Average Disposable Income, Average Income, Industry: Arms Manufacturing, Industry: Basket Weaving, Crime, Sector: Manufacturing, Economic Output, Economy 

[b]Top 5% of the World[/b]:
Industry: Beverage Sales, Black Market, Residency, Wealth Gaps 

[b]Top 10% of the World[/b]:
Social Conservatism, Population, Economic Freedom, Influence, Industry: Retail
