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People's Council

I. The People's Council

a) The People's Council is the executive branch of the government of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. It has authority over the daily administration of the region and enforces law as written and decided by the People of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.

b) The People's Council consists of four to eight People's Commissars, as well as of one Chairman and, if needed, one Vice-Chairman.

c) The People's Council is elected through a democratic vote. Candidates are appointed by the Central Committee. The Central Committee can refuse a candidature only if the potential candidate is in obvious breach of one or more articles of the Constitution and if all of the Central Committee members agree. Once all of the candidates appointed, the whole list of candidates if put up to vote and the region's members can decide whether they agree or not with the list. If a majority votes against the candidates, every single candidate must be elected. The vote for the People's Council lasts at least three days and all members of the region are informed prior to it. Elections are held every four months.

II. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the People's Council
The Chairman of the People's Council is the head of the executive branch of the government. He is leading the actions of the People's Commissars and the daily administration of the region. He has a veto right in the People's Council. The Vice-Chairman is the Chairman's substitute. Usually, a People's Commissar is appointed Vice-Chairman. He has no veto right.

III. The World Assembly Delegate
The World Assembly Delegate is the representative of the region at the World Assembly and the Security Council. He maintains relations with other socialist delegates and votes for or against resolutions of the World Assembly and/or the Security Council according to the values and principles of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and its Constitution. He brings in and/or promotes resolutions that are in accordance with the interests of the region, its allies and the global socialist movement.

IV. The People's Commissars
The People's Commissars are part of the executive branch and have authority over the administration of their specific areas.

1) People's Commissar for Interregional Relations - Head of Diplomacy
The People's Commissar for Interregional Relations has authority over international relations and is the head of regional diplomacy. He can accept or reject embassy requests according to the legislation concerning embassy requests. He can also send embassy requests according to the same legislation. He can send diplomatic representatives to other regions and withdraw them. He stays in touch with the region's allies. He's closely cooperating with the World Assembly Delegate and the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

2) People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs
The People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs has authority over the region's embassies and can accept or reject embassy requests according to the legislation concerning embassy requests. He can also send embassy requests according to the same legislation. He can propose changes to the legislation concerning the regional embassy policy. His primary goal is to build and to maintain good relations with fellow socialist regions. He is the liaison commissar of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics for the Comintern and recruits and manages the regions belonging to the Comintern.

3) People's Commissar for Inner Affairs
The People's Commissar for Inner Affairs has authority over the inner security of the region. He can eject, ban or eject and ban nations according to regional legislation and to the Constitution. If he considers a nation a threat to regional security, he can take action without the prior consent of the People's Council in a first step, but must report to the People's Council as soon as possible. The People's Council will then decide whether the action was justified or unjustified. In the case it considers the action unjustified, the action is cancelled. The People's Commissar for Inner Affairs also has authority over regional communication. He can delete RMB posts if they are in opposition to the values and principles of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and its Constitution or if they reveal secret or military informations.

4) People's Commissar for Defence
The People's Commissar for Defence is responsible for the security and the military defence of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. He provides a weekly evaluation of the security situation to the Chairman of the People's Council and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. He identifies imminent threats for the region and collaborates closely with the Armed Forces and the KGB. He can take action according to the Armed Forces Policy, the Constitution and the values of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics in case of a concrete threat.

5) People's Commissar for Immigration
The People's Commissar for Immigration has authority over Border Control. He manages Border Control according to the values and principles of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, its Constitution and any legislation regarding immigration. He can propose changes to the immigration legislation. He can eject, ban or eject and ban nations if they are considered a threat for regional security or if they don't comply to the Constitution and the legislation of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. He can close the borders of the region in case of a major regional threat. He contacts newly arrived nations upon arrival to guide them through their first steps in the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.

6) People's Commissar for Democracy
The People's Commissar for Democracy has authority over the regional democracy. He can set up polls regarding changes of legislation, amendments to the Constitution, regional elections. People's Commissars can ask him to set up a poll regarding a specific subject if they want to know the region's opinion on the subject. The regional founder can ask him to hold new elections. The People's Commissar for Democracy can also set up polls by himself if he considers them necessary or interesting.

7) People's Commissar for Education
The People's Commissar for Education has authority over the appearance of the region. He can apply changes to the region's Factbook if necessary and in accordance with the regional legislation, the Constitution and the values of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. He has authority over propaganda and education and is responsible for continuously providing and discussing aspects of marxist/socialist theory and assuring every member of the region gets a socialist education.

V. The People's Commissions
The People's Commissions are subsections of the People's Council grouping multiple People's Commissars. A Commission meeting can be requested by the Chairman of the People's Council or one of the member officers of one Commission.

1) People's Security Commission
Issues: Security threats
Members: People's Commissar for Defence, People's Commissar for Immigration, People's Commissar for Inner Affairs.

2) People's Defence Commission
Issues: Military matters, war, imminent threats against the region, attacks on close allies
Members: Chairman of the People's Council, People's Commissar for Defence, People's Commissar for Interregional Relations, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, People's Commissar for Inner Affairs, People's Commissar for Immigration.

3) People's Foreign Affairs Commission
Issues: Diplomacy, interregional relations, World Assembly matters
Members: People's Commissar for Interregional Relations, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, World Assembly Delegate

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