
by The North Pacific Dweller of Zazumo. . 1,001 reads.

The People's Republic of Zazumo

The People's Republic of Zazumo

"A Friendly Nation"


Government Type:
Democratic Socialism

President of The People's Republic of Zazumo:
Levi Kellerman (DSU)
Vice President:
Rebecca Orlosky (DSU)
Capitol Speaker:
David Cohen (DSU)
Secretary of State:
Zachery Rozman (DSU)

LinkTNP Forum Profile

Abbr: The PRZ

Located In: The North Pacific

Population: Apx 11.5 Million

Currency: Inter-Pacific Open Standard (IPOS)

Domain Extension: .prz

Calling Code: 155

Drives On: Right

Average Income: £110,000

GDP: £389 Trillion

Capital: Zazu City, ZA

Official Language: English

Demonym: PRZ Citizen

Dominant Religion: Judaism

National Anthem: The Republic Symphony
"This land is a paradise"
"This is the land of dreams"
"With open arms and a fighting heart"
"We are all stronger than kings"

"This land is a strangers home"
"This is the land of friends"
"Marching on into tomorrow"
"Our republic we shall defend"

Upper House: Capitol
Lower House: Senate

The People's Republic of Zazumo or The PRZ is a lush nation located in The North Pacific. It consists of ten states. Zazu, Pourtoga, Bay Pines, Republic Bartolo, Zyl, Venedy, North Mason, South Mason, Juseu, and Sedro. The capital and largest state is Zazu. The PRZ does not observe daylight savings time, and its official language is English, which is predominant. The nation's population is approximately 11.5 million. The PRZ's history, many tropical rain forests, diverse wildlife, renowned traditional cuisine, and year round great weather make it a popular vacation destination with tourists from around the world.

Originally populated by the Zazu people in 1867, the nation was claimed in 1888 by General Cubios Tarrf for the nation of Braum. The nation endured two years of violent rule by the Braums which eventually lead the nation into a war with the Braums which lasted 7 years. During the years at war the nation's cultural landscape was transformed, with Braum knowledge, customs, and traditions being introduced, especially Judaism and the English language. In 1897, The Braums ceded the nation to the newly established Democratic States of Zazu. 1898 the constitution was ratified and The Democratic States of Zazu became The People's Republic of Zazumo.

1937 Mason River Standoff
Throughout the 20's and well in to the 30's Mason was the poorest state in the nation and following the 1928 Labor Act which banned the use of child labor and instituted the first ever minimum wage the state was forced into a recession that effected everyone regardless of social class thus began a surge of wealthy people taking their entire savings and migrating to the nation's capitol to avoid the state's taxes. In 1937 following a number of tax raises that angered the people of Mason it was discovered that Governor Murray Boswike was stealing tax money and as a result many citizens began to riot. The PRZ government issued a state of emergency which resulted in the PRZ military being deployed, however this only caused local militias to initiate a standoff which lasted for two months. The citizens and the militia occupied on the south side of the Mason River while the PRZ military and state police stood their ground on the north side of the River. The citizens demanded the resignation and arrest of Governor Boswike. The PRZ government upheld that a trial should take place and the standoff should end. On May 16th almost two months into the standoff, fearing an escalation would cause mass casualties and public uproar, President Samuel Lieve signed the "Mason River Agreement" which officially split Mason into two separate states North and South. North Mason remained under the control of Governor Boswike while South Mason was allowed to self elect it's own state representation. Following the split Governor Boswike did face trial and jail time for tax fraud. The split eased many financial burdens that the single state struggled to handle on it's own. The standoff ended peacefully with no conflict and established South Mason, the nation's 10th state. To this day a strong rivalry exists between the North and the South but in a much friendlier fashion (with an exception for sporting events.) Every May 16th both states celebrate "Split Day" by launching fireworks at the other's side of the Mason River to symbolize the standoff of 1937.

Political Parties
Since 1999 the PRZ has had four main political parties: The LinkDemocratic-Socialist Union (DSU), LinkThe Union of Conservative Values (UCV), the Independence Party (I), and the Green Party (G). Since the 90's this four party system has been the status quo for the nation, political parties are not limited to these four, however their size make them more dominant than other parties. The DSU seeks to maintain the wealth and education equality between the wealthy and the middle class and lower class, they have won a plurality of votes in referendums since it's formation. The UCV is made up of both wealthy and religious citizens who want a religious moral and less socialist approach to Government. The conservatives have yet to successfully elect a president but do have a sizable presence in Congress. The G party fight to protect the environment and work to promote Climate Change while the I is made up of lawmakers who don't align themselves to any party. In 2016 LinkThe People's Democratic Party (PDP) successfully got elected into the Senate and Capitol making it the first new party to be formally elected in 17 years and shortly after founder of the PDP President James Snow successfully won in a snap election sending the PDP into The Office of The President.

last updated 5/12/18, thanks for reading!
