
by The Federated Segments of Scolopendra. . 83 reads.

Gameplay Policy of Titan

This document is written completely Out-Of-Character.

Crotchety Preamble

Okay, Gameplay. It's a thing, and it's not going anywhere. Ever.

I've seen the whole thing. Back in the day, before Delegates--so back in early 2003--the invasion game was called "region squatting" and basically consisted of people dropping in. Usually they were annoying, just spamming up regional message boards (which could only hold ten messages at a time), but some were clever, such as the Nationstates Easter Bunny or Flock of migrating geese (though Geese tended to post "HONK HONK!" and thus was a little spammy). Then came Delegates, so proto-raiding (back when the World Assembly was the UN) happened in late 2003. Delegates got ban powers, so full raiding started in about 2004, along with a lot of complex rules about "who's a native of the region" and what constituted griefing.

Titan saw it all, though luckily it was strong enough (and coated in moderators) so around this time it only had to deal with the annoying parts rather than actually being griefed or fully invaded. When Delegates received password powers in 2004, Titan was locked down and maintained ludicrous levels of operational security around its password. When founders appeared, Karmabaijan made himself Founder of Titan (this was back when Moderators could assign Founders at will, and he did found Titan back in late 2002) and we were secure while the whole raiding/defending game grew and evolved around us.

Karma stopped playing, and the Founder was lost--but we still had our password. Our extremely secure password generated by banging one's head against the keyboard. We called it "headcrypto." As people dropped out and restored, they couldn't get back in without Moderator assistance.

So I waited and, on 21 Feb 2015, saw that only me and my puppet Zero-One were left. I decided to chance it, moved both to The Triumvirate of Yut, then waited for the update, gauging it by the Activity function and waiting for loads of nations to change status from "Capitalizt" to "Scandinavian Welfare State" or whatever. Once that happened, I started pressing F5 on Titan. Once it ceased to exist, I pushed the "Create Region" button I had on standby to refound the region.

Boom, we have a Founder again. That Founder is me.

Gameplay Policy

I want Titan to be open, so it has no password. People can come in and take the Delegacy; that's fine, but the Delegate has no controls. The Delegate therefore asks the Founder (me) for authorization to do things; the Founder has effective veto power by choosing to not enact the Delegate's desires. This roughly simulates the IC Scolopendra's status as the First Among Equals in the Triumvirate of Yut, the veto power it holds on the Council of Yut, and the executive function it generally holds in the Triumvirate's bureaucracy (since I'm the one usually writing from the alliance perspective).

My strategic aim for Titan is to be True Neutral, but I will admit that I lean more towards defending. As such, I will openly admit that I cannot be convinced to authorize raids but I could perhaps be convinced to throw political weight behind defender operations. I will not, however, police people launching raids from Titan and am open to RPing (in whatever fashion) political consequences for doing so.

The regional message board will consist of whoever lives in the region, so I will not enforce an ideological tone one way or another. What I will enforce is civility and debate, as defined by me. If Titan ends up full of raiders who want to talk raiding, fine. If full of defenders who want to talk defending, fine. If full of innocents who want to talk how the entire R/D game is bupkis, fine. I'd prefer a mix of all these, and keep Titan a neutral ground for discussion and understanding.

And roleplay. I like roleplay.

Gameplay History

The Vast Police Action: On 30 Dec 2016, from knowing a guy who knew a guy, I gained assistance from TITO to 'secure' The Vast due to Dread lady nathicana ceasing to exist. The Starship Command served to administer the protectorate. The police action ended successfully on 03 Jan 2017 with the re-installation of the founder.

The Federated Segments of Scolopendra

