
by The March of Kolch. . 83 reads.

Welcome to the Celestial Empire! (Regional Directory)

Hello, and welcome to the Celestial Empire!

We're a growing community of writers, both seasoned and inexperienced, who have come together to build an incredible 20th Century Roleplay, in which we vie for power in the once-mighty Celestial Empire.

Please join our Discord once you've moved into our Region, that's where we can get you started: LinkLINK

Below is a list of our important factbooks which can help you get acquainted with the lore and gameplay of our region.

Ah, the Leaderboard! Everyone's favorite place to measure each others' empires. Inside this factbook is the list of nations in the world, with their total score represented. You can find their score and military sheets on the Discord.

A comprehensive guide to RP to give pointers for both newbies and veterans alike. If you're new to the region, this is practically required reading to understand how to enjoy the RP experience.

The Celestial Empire's very own military factbook, with the essential guide to combat and combat specializations.

The March of Kolch

