
by The Imperio Constitucional of Novo Wagondia. . 1 reads.

2023 Empire of Andrew Golden Osprey Awards (Completed)

4th Annual Golden Osprey Awards
Celebrating the EOA's finest creative minds

- 2020 Results - 2021 Results - 2022 Results -

Named for the bird of prey depicted on our regional flag, these awards will recognize some of the most outstanding creative work done by our members during the past year. Categories include best character, best new character, best historical or future character, best regional RP, best factbook, and best RMB bulletin (which covers designs, news updates, and other such developments that are IC but not multi-member).

Nomination Process

Each nation will be able to nominate up to two entrants in each category, as well as one wildcard selection of another member's work. This is fairly straightforward in all categories in which there is a single author, but regional RPs muddy the waters a bit by involving multiple parties. In that instance, we will distinguish 'principal authors' (those nations who spawned the idea) from those who simply react to the major updates. In that case, we will ask that wildcard nominations be made for an RP in which you were not a 'principal author'.

Once all nominations are entered, 'gaps' will be filled in by making sure every regular EOA contributor eligible for nomination has received one, creating somewhere between 10-20 nominees in each category (this will vary, as some categories, like bulletins and factbooks, will naturally be more numerous than regional RPs). Anything mentioned at least once on the RMB between 1 December 2022 (formally defined as RMB page 4,615) and 30 November 2023 will be valid for submission.

See: Official Nomination Form

Voting Process

Voting will take place over several days using an offsite host. Ranked-choice voting will be used, so each member of the region can identify a small selection of favorites. The winner and runners-up will then be announced at the end of each day. This dispatch will be routinely updated on which categories are up for a vote, as well as its respective nominees. The schedule is as follows:

  • Thursday, November 23rd: Beginning of nomination period

  • Sunday, December 3rd: Deadline for submitting nominations

  • Monday, December 4th: Wildcard nominations announced

  • Tuesday, December 5th: First day of voting

  • Thursday, December 7th: Results for Best Character announced

  • Friday, December 8th: Results for Best New Character - Contemporary announced

  • Saturday, December 9th: Results for Best New Character - Historical & Future announced

  • Sunday, December 10th: Results for Best Regional RP announced

  • Monday, December 11th: Results for Best RMB Bulletin announced

  • Tuesday, December 12th: Results for Best Factbook announced

Updated list of Nominees

Best Character

    - Veronika Kokarin, Cybusian deputy UCP representative (Cybus) [link] [runner-up]
    - Johannes Vanderberg, emissary of the Yellow King (Cybus) [link] [winner]
    - Star, West African deputy UCP representative (Oceara) [link]
    - Fradique Barrachina, Prime Minister of Wagondia (Wagondia) [link]
    - Isamar Guiracocha, Wagain UCP representative (Wagondia) [link]
    - Māia Akenehi, First Commissar of the People's Republic of Orson (Orson) [link]
    - Aurora Morte, OAI agent (Oceara) [link]
    - Melinda Terran, Malian UCP representative (Oceara) [link]
    - Oh Jeong, Timmian UCP representative (Timmy) [link]

Best New Character - Contemporary

    - Brynjolf Rasmussen, drug kingpin (alias 'Mr. Carcosa') and Vanderberg acolyte (Cybus) [link] [winner]
    - Meredith Stout, CEO, Ryan Industries South America (Cybus) [link] [runner-up]
    - Apolônia Mach, aviatrix and travel writer (Wagondia) [link]
    - Teodoro "Tatay" Magsombol, Special Envoy for Global Religious Freedom (Wagondia) [link]
    - Dr. Ferric Flake, Agent of the Recoleta Group (Wagondia) [link]
    - Jarek Wyand, Spiritual leader (Cybus) link]
    - Maximilian Valiant, IIS Director (Oceara) [link]
    - Naomi Sarota, Agent of the FSB (Orson) [link]

Best New Character - Historical & Future

    - Thomas Zane, Charodik poet (Cybus) link] [winner]
    - Wireenun, god of chaos (Orson) [link]
    - Charles Boghossian, travel writer and publisher (Wagondia) [link]
    - Milana Bakal, Pharmaceutical magnate and philanthropist (Orson) [link] [runner-up]
    - 'The Administrator', Director of the OAI (Oceara) [link]
    - David Capet, Founder of Cape Town (Corsahnim) [link] [runner-up]

Best Regional RP

    - The Yellow King in Santa Catalina (Cybus, Wagondia) [link] [winner]
    - Santiago Gun Theft (Cybus, Wagondia) [link] [runner-up]
    - The Star Incident (Cybus, Orson, Oceara) [link]
    - The Koloniálni Vystava (Cybus, Orson, Oceara, Wagondia) [link]
    - Philippines Recall Election (Cybus, Orson, Timmy, Wagondia) [link]
    - The Neptune Incident (Cybus, Orson, Timmy) [link]
    - The Formation of the Administration (Orson, Oceara) [link]
    - 2nd Orsonian Invasion of the Hope Cluster (Orson, Oceara, Corsahnim) [link]
    - Battle of Vladivostok (Orson, Oceara, Lucija) [link]

Best RMB Bulletin

    - "Jednota Skrze Radost" (Cybus) [link]
    - "Hochburg Market Day" (Cybus) [link]
    - "Orsonian-Wagain Cultural Programming" (Wagondia) [link] [winner]
    - "Political Typology in Wagondia" (Wagondia) [link] [runner-up]
    - "Boghossian Guides" (Wagondia) [link]
    - "The Kokarins at Le Bleu Russe" (Cybus) [link]
    - "Coalition Anti-Corruption Taskforce: Coffin Company" (Oceara) [link]
    - "Project Lullaby & the Administration" (Oceara) [link]
    - "G5 Corporate Meeting" (Felucia) [link]

Best Factbook

    - "Imperial Culture Dossier" (Cybus) [link]
    - "United Council of Peoples" (Wagondia) [link] [winner]
    - "Prime Minister of Wagondia" (Wagondia) [link] [runner-up]
    - "Wagain Political Parties" (Wagondia) [link]
    - "General Overview of the Formosan Republic " (Felucia) [link]
    - "EOA Olympiad 2021" (Wagondia) [link]
    - "Covert Action Staff" (Felucia) [link]
    - "President Joshua Clanton" (Felucia) [link]
    - "Kashmir War 1970-1974" (Andrew) [link]
