
by The Confederazione Unita Reale of Roman Empire August. . 1 reads.

the last 20 year, report of non public view

The Hague International Court of Justice.
Target classification of the Roman Empire and the Union, Imperial Latin Regions with delegation rule from Tuscany, Republic of Italy.

The Nation- The three billion number of registered Augustinian Cornelians, globally is within a non-federal Kingdom, called Union by the Parliament in Rome. The same laws apply throughout the Union, and according to the judgments imposed, the Monarch's central power has been criticized as totalitarian.

The Upper House - The Crown Council does not exist in the form of an upper house of representatives, but as the upper councilors within the Imperial Palace. There is a delegated power to the highest councilors, granted by the Crown.

The Upper House of the People - Rome's Great Parliament St. Pontus Gerrison's state house (post-war most famous canonized see history 2300-2400).

Supreme Court of Justice - Holy Vatican Court of Inquisition, according to now Crown Regent Charles Arthur LXVIII, former head of state who made the controversial decision to let the religious independent federal enclave of the Vatican, Inquisition's legal power is over the Federal Supreme Court for all three billion inhabitants.

correction- His Majesty Philip Ceasar LXVII, changed the provincial system so that the supreme court established by the people judges first if not primarily the seven hundred million unregistered Christians.
Exit- Cardinal Macus Alexander IV, the Secretary of State and has for fourteen years served His Eminence Pope Christoph Franz II, 88.
Thanks to a better relationship between the liberal M Alexander IV,70, and the Holy Roman Emperor Philip Ceasar LXVII, the last twenty years have worked somewhat better than with Cardinal Orsini's leadership and the ex-monarch's cooperation.
Whether the Inquisition does not still both block and judge, including judgments from Supreme Judge Theresa Turino, 89 who served the system since it was established, has been deprived of the right to pass judgment by law. "The Hague considers it the legal system, the highest corruption in the world, as well as the huge closed society, globally which is closed to emigration, even holidays outside the Union and entered in the most outrageous forms. ten years ago, exchange students were allowed to enter, after a sick idea that college guys made a scale for every female candidate"

Answer to the crisis - When the question of Statenburg University's conditions was instituted, as the history of nation states shows, one sees misleadingly the alternatives that made the regent delegate decision-making as the outcome was.

Criticism of the apanaget- 2.1 billion R€ per year, is a partially stagnant increase mainly in the last thirty years. Counting the judgment over sixty properties, and the fact that a semi regent has no property rights, and is severely if not totally scrutinized as a civilian after resignation or his death.

The Crown Prince who is the son of Marquis of Provance Elonora Vassile II and eldest deposed brother Charles Arthur LXVII,74 was born in Quen Bays Castle in Venice and was christened Alexander Philip Bourbon CII, which was changed to Augustus CII, he will be the third Holy Emperor if crowned and is therefore counted as the 103rd Holy Roman Head of State.

Casa De Imperatore - Nero's glorious building, was completed after 102 years of restoration of Rome, which constitutes a quarter of the original drawings.
Parliament holds 600 representatives and 6,000 audience members and is nine times smaller than the Imperial Regent's Palace.

Answer- Large parts of the royal house in Rome were closed down by both the father the late Arthur Raoul Augustus LXVI, even though he as regent was not against the architecture, disgust grew in the Senate. Large parts were used for the new institution of the general secret police, the new invisible and more authoritarian police that recently received a 0.1 percent budget increase.

Also the Praetorian Intelligence Service which works exclusively for the Supreme Head of State, the number of offices is around nine hundred for this management. the number of active members within the three intelligence agencies is classified as secret.

The Cathedral of Western Rome St. Mary's Great National Cathedral, and Archbishop Jasper Hublot, 74. is the only obvious candidate against M Alexander IV.

The outcome of the war Jordan and the aggression of the Persian Federations - at least one hundred and fifty million Romans have died in the war, partly in the siege of Venice, and the attack on the City of Culpano, where only when the exiled Monarch Charles was installed as a three-star general, in accordance with his lifelong profession as a strategic specialist, succeeded push back massive troops.
Eight years later, a total of twelve years of war sluiced over five million M32 robots over indefensible parts of the Capital Kabul with several large cities such as the Caliphate of Mehemet the Great, Roman overall defense is not the largest in the world anymore, but top 2 percent and hundreds of thousands of advanced anti-aircraft defense systems and also attack systems never meant to be used, cost over 50 trillion euros. central empire of Persia's dictator was deposed, imprisoned for two years and reinstalled with a blackened state agreement in which Sultan Abu Muhammed II, once again has power over five billion Persians.
Artificial transition- only 37 percent work, but all 2.88 billion Augustan citizens are part of the Universal reform, constitutionally established.
Which has proven to work for the extremely wealthy Empire.
561 trillion monetary imperial sterling pounds (Reich Pound), estimated to be drawn into the public sector by private and state industries. 18 percent are bribes, laundered money, and military properties.
Cornelian Gulf at the end of the Augustian Ocean Roman Tropics, the Imperial Reserve Monentary Standard Bank's HQ, in the City of Culpa Soa, the RMSB institution is completely blacked out on the reserve of the capital regarding private citizens, with 390,000 monentary Reich Pound or more have the right to the cash denominations, US dollars , Euro, Sterling Pound, and Gold Italian Ounce Currency.
In the city in the Tropical Western Tropics, it is humid and temperature up to 58 degrees celcius. water temperature is around 38.9 degrees.
Around 24 million Cornelian Augustinians live there within the fenced area of Culpa Soa. The resident of the celebrity, conductor singer and actor Dean Juan Velvety who has 344 million reich pound/year. However, his 1,200 sq m luxury villa is nothing compared to the Bourbone Private Castle of Saint Claire Strand, which is 18,700 sq m.

The state celebrates His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Alexander Filiph Augustus CXCI, with a military parade and the eighteenth birthday and his first house has been built for him by his uncle King Maxemillian Bourbon III of the Kingdom of Greece.
The parade with the Praetorian Imperial Guard was led by Philip Caesar LXVIII himself. He will be 53 years old just three days later.
