
by Naku. . 1 reads.

Nakuan constitution

1.0 Everyone is equal before the law, whether poor or rich
1.1 The main source of power is the people
1.2 Citizens born in the NPR have more privileges than those who moved here from other countries.
1.3 Throwing pets on the street is punishable by a prison term of 2 to 7 years, or a fine of 2,500,000 kelli
1.4 Pedophilia is punishable by life (276 years) or the death penalty
1.5 Obtaining Nakian citizenship is possible only if:
- You have been living in Naku for more than 4 years
- You have a stable income
- You pay your taxes properly
- You own property in Naku
* Attention. All of the above facts 1.5 do not apply to citizens born in the territory of Naku.

