
by Kinagi. . 3 reads.

The origin

The Federal Republic of Kinagi has stood ever since after the global nuclear apocalypse throughout the whole world which was slowly recovered. The nation was founded in March 2042 by a female patriotic researcher named Fuyumi Nakano. The Nation was later formed and gained full declaration a month later. The capital is located in the former Aomori prefecture and the city was renamed Haragashi. Ever since its founding, her plan was to make the country a full republic but finds it difficult to control one whole nation under one rule, and eventually decides to take the Federal Republic rule. The Federal Republic at first has three states; Hokshu, Hokyu, and Shikoku.

The Federal Republic began to take aid to the Korean territories and help to redevelop the people and limited the number of military forces coming over in order to gain the trust of the citizens. The same goes for the people in the northern Chinese territory, having the same treatment as others. The people in both regions are offered to let their land join the Federal Republic o help with reconstruction and economy having both regions known as states of the nation and able to have their own regulations that should not be offensive or racial.

The declaration of unification is announced 6 months ever since its founding making them a country state; Joseon state and Manchuria state. But shortly, Taiwan or Formosa asks for unification with the Federal Republic, having the votes on accepting the unification with 87% in the Kinagi government council. The unification was later announced two weeks later.

The Federal Republic of Kinagi is ruled by the president or prime minister and has Eternal Leader as the head of nation. It has been under the rule of Fuyumi Nakano for 14 years until her assassination in 2056. Her position is replaced by the current president, Hyugo Kanami.

