
by The Wincrestian Republic of Wintercrest Founder. . 128 reads.

Join the Wintercrest Republican Armed Forces Today!

The People's Constitutional Republic of Wintercrest
Forever Forward!

Defense District - Wintercrest Republican Armed Forces (WRAF)

My fellow Wincrestians, the Armed Forces of Wintercrest are looking for new members! We have a call to action to uphold our leftist ideals, our society of just and fair treatment of others, and our society that condemns hate in all forms from enemies of the state. From fascism to the most abhorrent of society such as those that would praise and be one with Nazism.

We raise arms to defend our independence, our leftist spirit, our land and our people. To arms, for the homeland! Our enemies remain in existence, our most hated foes allowed to crop up throughout the world. We spread peace and prosperity through our righteous arms, under the banner of Wintercrest. We fight for what is right and we fight to destroy those that preach hate, commit acts of aggression against our region, and attempt to bring any disrepute to our just and fair land!

The WRAF will represent Wintercrest abroad in its military actions and in concert with our allies as we commit our forces to the most just operations throughout the globe. Citizens and Residents alike, have pride and heap praise on our soldiers, take pride in Wintercrest and join your peers in the good fight!

As a Professional Fighting Force, We Maintain That:

  • We are against region destruction of active populous regions that have made no overtures of aggression and wish to be left to their own devices, this is a scorched earth tactic committed by the immoral.

  • That said, our greatest foes of fascism and Nazism will be shown no mercy in our dealings with them. We wish nothing more for both their regions and communities to either collapse or be forcibly destroyed until there is no Nazism in NS.

  • The WRAF spreads the good word of Wintercrest through her actions in defence of friend, and defeat of enemies. The WRA is a multi-faceted force that both defends, raids, and liberates.

  • To our allies: we will aid you. To our enemies: we will crush you. To those needing it: we will liberate you.

Comrades! We need you to sign-up and join the global fight against oppression and hate! Praise and glory to all that fight with the spirit and pride of our homeland as we spread the revolution onwards!


Official PCR of Wintercrest document
