
by Skonlanda. . 8 reads.

The Roter Sommer [SPNA]

Skonlandan Peoples National Archive [SPNA]

Archived January 18th 1987

International Catalogue

During a period in Burgerwherian history known as the "Die Schwierigen Zeiten" or "The Trying Times". During the summer of 1982, now referred to as the "Roter Sommer" or "Red Summer", a wave a protests sparked all over the newly established Burgerwher. The protests were organized and manned by an organization known as "Freie Volker" which was an organization consisting of a wide coalition of protest groups, partisans, leftist revolutionaries, and student groups. The protests called for a wide range of things from basic rights, a civilian government, a workers revolution, and some even called for incorporation into Skonlanda. The amount of people participating in the protests is estimated to be up to 45,000 although estimates vary heavily depending on which country you ask. Despite the bravery and solidarity displayed by the protesters, the newly established RSS was sent by General Bedrohung to brutally quell the protests. Following a systematic destruction of all protests and a strange string of "disappearances" of the leaders of the Freie Volker, the organization disbanded and as a concession to the workers Volkskommandant Smith established the "Staatliche Direktion für Arbeit und Arbeiter" (SDAA) which is a state owned organization designed to fulfill the needs of the workers through ensuring their representation in government. In reality, the SDAA is simply a more "humane" way VK Smith can keep his nations working class quiet and obedient.

Events took place May 23th 1982 - August 9th 1982


