
by Aratunda. . 3 reads.

Liberation of the Proletariat in Aratunda

We have an announcement to make to the people of Aratunda.

Yesterday, the proletariat rose against the oppressive bourgeoisie all across the land, liberating themselves and beginning the new age of equality for the working class. Out of the ashes of oppression, liberation has risen. We shall strive to free the worker not only here but all across the world, whether he toils on the farm or in the factory. The capitalists shall trip over themselves fleeing our might, distraught by the collapse of the pedestal they have placed themselves on.

While we are all equal in importance now, it is undeniable that there were some who greatly contributed to the uprising. Such examples include the Communist Party of Aratunda and the valiant effort put into their work in the former government, the People's Militia for the Liberation of Aratunda and their swift overthrow of the oppressors, and the Socialist National Committee for their work in supplying the PMLA with their weapons and the people with their words.

The Emperor, the bourgeoisie, the politicians and the Army have all fled. Our forces surprised them too quickly to allow repercussions. For now as we restructure the capitalist society into a socialist one, we shall allow them to continue to draw breath. When the time comes, we will drag them screaming out of their holes to the executioner. But for now, fellow proletariat, for now our main concern must be ourselves, lest all the work for our freedom be for nothing.

All hail the revolution.

