
by Lower sted marth. . 1 reads.

The Officer Act

The Officer Act

By decree of the constitution of The United Socialist States of Lower Sted Marth,
With the passage of this bill, such laws shall be enacted.
Article 1:
Section 1:-Officers must always were a body camera or some visual and audio recording device, said device must be on at all times when the officer is on duty.

Section 2:-An officer may never under any circumstance use such defensive moves as a chokehold, or any other move that prevents someone from breathing.

Section 3:-An officer/or department may only enter a private premises when accompanied by a warrant, the primary officer must divulge the residence of their presence so that they may hear them.

Article 2:
Section 1:-With this bills passage, it shall include the opening of an official police investigative force, with such tasks of ensuring an officer is using proper protocol.

Section 2:-Officers must go through a rigorous training course that takes up to 4 Year to complete, such training will include a 3 month bias training course.

Section 3:-Officers may not use weapons of war such as {Tear Gas, Automatic Rifles, Riot Gear} unless such officer has taken an extended Training course which includes 1 year of bias training and a 6 month de-escalation program.

Lower sted marth
