
by Varikke. . 1 reads.

Of State and Status

"It is merely a game of wit, my friend"

The words exited his mouth in ignorance, he sat in his chair so eagerly smug of his position, he was like every politician of old Europe, he sent thousands of men and women to their deaths for what, political gain? I leaned forward, I was no happy to meet with such a fool, my homeland called me forward to meet with such arrogant fools, I am happy to do so of course there is no greater force above me than my people, however these fools in such arrogance raise their heads in great wealth whilst thousands die in their stead.

I imagine an onlooker would be quite curios of me, these men were dressed in great suits, grand luxury of alcohol, cigars, and food laid before them, yet I wore a dirt covered olive trench coat, burn marks clearly visible and holes laid about, indeed my coat seemed older than the men before me, I finally decided to speak up.

"What you tell me is outrageous"

The men didn't look all to surprised by my approach, they knew what they were doing, they intended to exploit my homeland for their own game, and sat before them an proud officer of the Varikke Armed Forces, yes I could tell they thought me stubborn.

"Miss, understand it is truly you who will gain"

I had enough of these plumped up fools who sat so proud of their disposition in front of me.

"You have over stayed your welcome greatly, leave and never return to Varikke as long as you breathe"


