
by The Colony of El Eems Islands. . 42 reads.

El Eems Islands for HoC

Hello to everyone in Thaecia. I'm the El Eems Islands, and I am running for the house of commons as a member of the Solidarity Party of Thaecia. I'll be frank, my country is not exactly the most impressive one in the region. But I have been trying hard to fix the things wrong with my nation, and only in the most dire situations did I make decisions to propel my nation into this state. I try for my nation, and I will try for Thaecia as well.

My platform

1. I would support the creation of committees in congress to deal with one of the most challenging crises in our time- climate change.

2. I have noticed a lot of complaints about the inappropriateness of the RMB lately. This is why I propose an official addition of the RMB code of conduct to all recruitment telegrams.

3. Given the fact that Thaecia has no reasons to attack or be attacked, I would suggest that our nations stay neutral from conflicts unless our region is directly impacted.

4. Another issue is whether we should let non-citizens hold positions. If elected, I would introduce a policy saying that they can be congresspeople and Deputy ministers, but not administration members or senators.

Endorsements received

Rushenberg,Besancia,Brototh,Cheesecakeastan,Rivongna,Marvinville, and Indian Genius
