
by The Democratic Society of United States of Americanas. . 3 reads.

Tree Fungus Spreading through Protectorates & Americanas Apr27

Well, thanks. Thanks to whoever imported the weird little trees from Brancaland.

Our forests have green fungus growing all over them and trees are needing more water because of your fungus.

Due to this situation all public parks are deemed fungactal! No person may enter a public park without bringing a hazmat suit due to the fungus.

The Department of Fungal Management expects the parks to be defungisated within the month.

Update OCTOBER 10 - Parks still fungactal. The mushrooms own the parks.

Update OCTOBER 13 - Parks are being fumigated and are closed to the public until further notice.

Update OCTOBER 31 - Seems the fungus was part of the whole zombies issue that broke out around the world. This fungus is common and relatively non hazardous but can lead to illness requiring treatment by pharmacy. The parks are now open however do carry zombie & fungus spray for the foreseeable future.

Update JUNE 26 2022 - The Department of Fungal Management has tested samples from all states and from subordinate nations. All states tested negative for the fungus. We advise continued diligence, observe the area surrounding you in nature, do not touch trees without necessity, do not touch mushrooms without first identifying them. If you spot anything unusual within the parks or nature do not be afraid to dial 311 and speak to a parks associate who can dispatch a rangers van to assist with identification and or removal of the fungus or item. Stay well and safe on your travels within our nation and its parks.
