
by The Stalwart Federation of The Municipalities of Antarctica. . 197 reads.

Government Ministries/Departments/Bureaus | Official File.

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Administrative Federal Government of the Municipalities of Antarctica.
Official documentation of all government Ministries, Departments and Bureaus.

Administration Related Apparatus.
Related to Administrative duties and overall state operations. These are directly tied into the government, and help with day-to-day general activities, but nothing more.

Official Governorship Offices.

Acting as the unified face of the Governorship, the offices consist of general assistance staff, receptionists, social media managers, archivists and public outreach specialists.
It's purpose is to allow the public a centralized place to go to when attempting to submit complaints, praise, questions, ideals or proposals to the administration, and specifically to the governors, Primary or otherwise.
It's purpose is also to manage, operate, and observe the media accounts set aside for each governor, and assist them in the usage of the accounts, as well as manage central general-announcement accounts.

Critical Staff.
Secondary Governor Erwin Javli.
Tertiary Governor Vei Falkman.

Contact Information.
Website: government.moa/governors/connect
Mailing address(es): Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code OGO-1 (General.)
Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code OGO-2 (P-G.)
Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code OGO-3 (S-G.)
Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code OGO-4 (T-G.)

Administrative Office of the Municipality Council.

Acting as the impartial administrative leadership of the Municipality council, the AOMC sits as the only official body that represents the council, both to the public and to the government itself.
It's primary purpose is to select a council observer, who is present to maintain order and to discipline misbehaving diplomats. A secondary job of the observer, however, is to also deliver council decisions and proposals to the Primary Governor, and return with responses to the council itself.
Another purpose of the AOMC is to act as the public outreach department of the council, and hosts it's website, social media accounts, and it's contact information, so that questions, complaints or proposals can be relayed to the relevant Municipal Diplomat.

Critical Staff.
Council Observer Kassy Calsio.
Contact Information.
Website: mcouncil.moa/contact
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code AOMC.

The Administrative Council.

Acting as a civilian voice in the government, the Administrative Council is perhaps the closest council to the people, and the most willing to listen to the general public, as it consists of the very same people that make up the public in the first place.
It is a tool of debate and ideas, to help test what impact bills might have on different parts of the populace, as well as contribute ideas and create their own bills, at times.
They have their own social media and website, as well as a mailing address similar to the rest of the government.

Critical Staff.
Due to the nature of the council, there are no 'critical staff' to speak of. It self-mediates and self-monitors itself, with different members of the council contributing to different roles.

Contact Information.
Website: admincouncil.moa/contact
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code AC.

~ Central Authorative Courts. ~

Federal level courts, whose purpose are to contest the government itself, or handle high-level cases against corporations and laws themselves.
They are also open to taking appeals by the general public, but are typically not prone to doing this often.

Critical Staff.
The only critical staff are the judges themselves, which, due to security and anti-blackmail reasons, may only be named on the CAC's website, with no further detail provided.

Contact Information.
Website: cac.msc.moa/appeals (To appeal for a case.)
cac.msc.moa/contact (For other reasons.)
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Government District, Judgement Rd, Municipal Supreme Court Building.

Military Related Apparatus.
Related to the defense of the state and the people, against external or internal threats. Related solely to military and security apparatus, and nothing more.

Joint Municipal Defence Army.

Official Ground Army of the Federation of Municipalities, in charge of all ground-based defense and security, as well as rendering aid to any and all who need it in case of national emergency.

Critical Staff.
Primary Defence General Rosia Sevenkai.
Contact Information.
Website: jmda.moa/questions_and_comments
Mailing address: Somuka Military Administration Zone, Somuka, 1st Administration St, Somuka Administrative Complex.

Antarctican Municipal Naval Force.

Official Naval Force of the Federation of Municipalities, in charge of all sea-based offence, defence and security. Also the administrative overseer of the coastal guard.

Critical Staff.
Primary Admiral Fojami Hako.

Comissioned from an artist called Myst.
Primary Admiral Harukiyo Izumoka.

Contact Information.
Website: amnf.moa/questions_and_comments (Navy.)
amnf.moa/cg/questions_and_comments (Coastal Guard.)
Mailing address: Imakii Municipality, City of Imakii, Harbour District, Military Sub-district, Naval Admiralty Administration Complex.

Antarctican Air Corps.

Acting as the Aerial force of Antarctica, contributing to ground and sea defence, as well as contributing air-cover against opposing aerial forces.

Critical Staff.
Air Marshal Yuni Umikazi.

Contact Information.
Website: aac.moa/inquiries
Mailing address: Entam Military Administration Zone, City of Entam, Entam Central Antarctican Airbase, Air Corps Administrative Complex.

Antarctican Military Specialty and Intelligence Ops

Information about enemies, neutrals, allies. Data about foreigners, citizens, and illegal arrivals. A.M.S.I.O. is all about information and data, and utilizes this as much for civilian purposes as it does for classified ones. From census to military and security duties.
It is one of the few government institutions that has no transparency about what it does, due to the sensitive nature of it's work.

Critical Staff.
Primary Agent "Katalia."
Source: Linklas91214 on Artstation.

Contact Information.
Website: information.amsio/contact_or_report
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code 3A9U-7M6I.

Security Services of the Official Governorship Offices of Antarctica. (S.S.O.G.O.A.)

Provide security-detail to all high-level officials within and without the Municipalities of Antarctica. Coordinate with A.M.S.I.O and other apparatus either local or from allied states to organize security protocols and guidelines.

Critical Staff.
Security Director Eosiko Ollens.

Contact Information.
Website: ssogoa.amiso/inquiries
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code OGO-5 (SSOGOA Specific.)

Additional Information.
S.S.O.G.O.A. Informational File.

Ministry of Internal Stability | M.I.S.

Correct factual inaccuracies, misinformation. Prevent spread of subversive and hostile propaganda. Provides assistance to A.M.S.I.O. when needed.

Critical Staff.
Minister of Stability, Grigan Sashimo.

Contact Information.
Website: information.mis.moa/contact_and_report
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code O31B-U15M.

Municipal Internal Security Agency | M.I.S.A.

Investigate internal subversive entities, investigate cases of severe fraud, attacks on government, terrorist activities.

Critical Staff.
Director of M.I.S.A, Grigan Sashimo.

Contact Information.
Website: information.misa.moa/contact_and_report
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code O31U-U15L-3.

Foreign Interactions Apparatus.
Related to any apparatus that interacts with foreign entities, nations, or influences the borders of the country.

~ Ministry of Diplomatic Affairs. ~

Handles any-and-all diplomatic relations with foreign entities and enterprises. Handles all official communication between the Federal Government and the rest of the world. Administrates all embassies and consulates outside of the country, and organizes trips for foreign and domestic officials.

Critical Staff.
Primary Diplomat Henson Netashi.

Contact Information.
Website: government.moa/diplomacy/outreach_initiative
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Coastal Diplomatic Quarter, 32 Cordial Drive, Building 3.

Department of Border Access and Control.

Manages any and all parts of border control and access. Immigration, emigration, residency permits, work permits, assistance in getting emigrates on their feet in their chosen destination, and closing the borders in case of national emergency.

Critical Staff.
Ashu Remiki.

Contact Information.
Website: dbac.moa/contact
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code DBAC

Trade Customs Bureau.

Screen all incoming and outgoing cargo and trade materials. Prevent unlawful transport of protected species or materials. Prevent unlawful entry of invasive species. Prevent trafficking of immoral and illegal goods.
Is also responsible for setting tariffs and protectionist policies.

Critical Staff.
Therri Yimii.
Contact Information.
Website: tcb.moa/complaints_and_concerns
Mailing address: No relevant mail address exists for the TCB.

~ Bureau of Tourism ~

In charge of subsidizing tourist industries, maintaining quality services, and ensuring favourable trips and enjoyable accommodations for foreign tourists.
Also in charge of marketing material and encouraging tourism itself.

Critical Staff.
Tourism Director Penny Harlow.

Contact Information.
Website: tourism.moa/communications
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Shikoimu District (Zone 10), 31st Bay Boulevard, BT General Office.

Regulatory and Policing Apparatus.
Related to apparatus that handle regulations, law-enforcement, or generally guide the way that citizens live their lives.

Ministry of Internal Economics and Industry.

Manage the economic system of the country. Maintain the Government Economics and Oversight System. Regulate employee and union treatment and classifications. Assist in legal cases against unlawful practices of corporations. Compile economic information for the public. Compile regulatory guidelines for corporate use. Acquire taxes and resources from economic entities.

Critical Staff.
Ministry Director Jackson Lears.

Contact Information.
Website: miei.moa/general_communications
Mailing address: Due to the sheer scale of the MIEI, there's a mailing address specific to every city and town, which inevitably makes it's way up the chain of leadership. Thus, no specific address has been noted here.

Ministry of Ecological Conservation.

Protect the environment and ecological habitats from any and all industrial progress and harm. Protect endangered and rare species from harm. Prevent production of pollutants. Prevent use of environment-damaging materials and substances. Educate society about the environment and it's importance.

Critical Staff.
Dr. Tarii Asakiu.

Contact Information.
Website: mec.moa/contact_us
Mailing address: Hii Municipality, Sub-regional Zone 44, Environmental Research Complex Sierra, Pinewood Rd NW.

Department of Police Services.

Enforce legal guidelines and laws, ensure safety for civilian populations across the country, manage the penitentiary systems, codify and manage rehabilitation or punishment. Prevent criminal activity. Serve the community in times of need.

Critical Staff.
Primary Warden Helian.

Contact Information.
Website(s): police.moa/the_public_voice (For police.)
police.moa/penitentiaries/questions_and_concerns (For the penitentiary/rehabilitation network.)
Mailing address: As there are branches of the DPS in every town and city of the country, there are no dedicated mailing addresses, as there are unique ones for every regional branch, and every regional penitentiary. Consult with official regional maps to find the address most suitable for you.

Civilian Services.
Services, ministries and departments related to the general well-being and rights of the general populace, dedicated to providing to all who require and deserve the services that are provided.

Ministry of Health and Safety.

Unified administration of the universal health system and as the universal authority on safety, regardless of where it is required or desired.
It's job is to protect, nurse, care for, cure or otherwise help though who require medical attention, while also preventing unnecessary cases of medical emergencies with proper planing and procedure to ensure that as few injuries or mistakes happen as possible.

Critical Staff.
Director Annie Cochlea.

Contact Information.
Website: mhs.moa/contact_help
Mailing address: Hii Municipality, City of Hii, Hii Central Hospital Complex, Hii Central Institute for Wellness and Safety, Hospital Rd 5, Administrative Offices Building.

Ministry of Public Works.

Handles all Public Works programs, such as parks, services construction, utilities maintenance and construction, broad infrastructure programs, and public community buildings.

Critical Staff.
Satsu Ikami.

Contact Information.
Website: publicworks.moa/outreach
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Government District, 12th Osokii St, Ministry of Public Works Headquarters.

Ministry of Transport.

Manage all infrastructure related to transporting both people and goods. Related to highways, railways, seaways, airways, and more. The chief goal of the MT is to construct and maintain all forms of infrastructure, and also ensure that people can freely use them, while also enacting regulations to ensure that no harm can be caused by unsaid and unacknowledged possibilities.
Besides that, the MT is also in charge of maintaining the public bus and train networks, as well as ferries, and any air transit that sits in their possession.

Critical Staff.
Director Aurora Vulff.

Contact Information.
Website: transport.moa/public_relations/voice_your_opinion
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Central Hii Mail Exchange, Government District, Mailing code MT-33

~ Ministry of Public Education. ~

Administrate, maintain, construct, fund, and generally take care of the educational system of the country, regardless of what it takes. Ensure the education system is free to all, ensure the education system is not unfair, ensure the system allows post-secondary and post-tertiary education for free, to internal and external students.

Critical Staff.
Aiku Celenti.

Contact Information.
Website(s): mpe.edu.moa/guardian_contact (Parents/guardians.)
mpe.edu.moa/student_contact (Students.)
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Government District, Itichu Street SW, Education Board Headquarters.

Ministry of Social Welfare.

In charge of providing for those who cannot provide for themselves, whether it be for health, food, employment, or any manner of other things. Also manages any public services that aren't immediately crucial, such as daycare facilities or community halls.

Critical Staff.
Minister Saria Meyers.

Note: No ears, only the tail. Since Faunus only have one animal trait. (Haven you're free to yell at me if I messed up.)

Contact Information.
Website: socialservices.moa/how-to-speak-with-us
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Government District, Diversity St, Social Services Head Office.

~ Ministry of Culture and Societal Analytics. ~

Catalague, monitor, announce and organize important cultural holidays/celebrations/events, organize and analyze cultural and societal trends and display Antarctic culture to the world through easily accessable reports.

Critical Staff.
Director Elan Omaro

Contact Information.
Website: culture.moa/contact_us
Mailing address: Municipality of Hii, City of Hii, Government District, Diversity St, MCSA Main Office.

Ministry of Food Production.

Ensure national production of food reaches required levels to self-sustain populace and allow for additional resources for emergency use, through use of hydroponics, strictly monitored animal husbandry, and alternative means. Such as lab-grown meats and other safely consumable artificial items.

Critical Staff.
Chief Food Production Management Officer Osamo Mikamo.

Contact Information.
Website: mpf.moa/quality_complaints_and_concerns
Mailing address: No relevant mailing address exists for the MFP.

Directorate of Telecommunications and Internet Services.

DTIS is responsible for the maintenance, construction, and advancement of infrastructure related to telecommunications, internet, radio, and other communications systems of a wireless or wired nature. It is solely responsible for this, in a way that no other ministry is.

Critical Staff.
Administrative Director Chitomosi Kamuyushi.

Contact Information.
Website: dtis.moa/reports_and_general_outreach
Mailing address: No relevant mailing address exists for DTIS.

Research Initiatives.
Relevant only to two particular institutions, whose purpose are solely to advance science, no matter what occurs in the future. In order to benefit the people and the country at large.

Special Research Department.

Experimental Research and Development.

Critical Staff.
Director Maxalimo Tetrich.

Contact Information.
Website: Due to the SRD's sensitive nature, no website can be provided.
Mailing address: Due to the SRD's sensitive nature, no mailing address can be provided.

Antarctic Voidborne Expedition Department.

Research and development of spaceborne technologies and implementation of technologies into usable, functional equipment, such as satellites, stellar stations, and space-vessels.

Critical Staff.
Director Maxalimo Tetrich.

Contact Information.
Website: aved.moa/questions
Mailing address: No current relevant mailing address exists for AVED. But one is planned in the future.

Further Information found below (Lazy addition, but I've worked so hard for so long on this main file that my efforts are spent):

This is an extended file on the factbook that involves all major government staff, the link to the original can be found here:

Full Name:
Erwin "Bloodhound" Javli.

Erwin is a quiet and calm man, even in his long and eventful past, working as an old military officer, he found himself overlooked, and constantly ignored due to his quiet and calm disposition, furthermore, he proved to be uninterested in conflict... however, despite this, he's known for an extremely strong moral compass, and an incredibly deep understanding of how to calm individuals down, which remains especially useful as an aide to the Primary Governor, Cetiri.

Passive and not one to immediately speak out, Erwin has been seen as a voice of civility and respect, with the nature of his tone being seen as friendly and guiding, acting as the 'old man' of the government, he is also known for trying to conduct mild pranks, or simply tries his best to come up with interesting puns... despite this, he is also a man who understands the army, and it's tough conditions... and as a result, tends to lean extremely heavily on the most harsh policies involving military action, despite otherwise seeming nothing like that type of person.

Whilst not an excessive amount is known about him, what is known, is that he has spent a total of 40 years as a military officer, around since the early days of the unified Antarctic military, which was otherwise on a city-by-city basis before he and others were assigned to it.
He was as calm and friendly as he is known to be now... and was a guiding man, hardly shaped by the icy cold of the training programs he was forced through.
Furthermore, he is known to treat many younger then him like grandchildren, being quite willing to spoil them when possible, and being extremely kind to those he is closest to, such as governor Cetiri. He was originally brought on due to the elections, he was not running for the leadership to begin with, but had always considered the idea of playing some role in the government, such, he joined Cetiri's political party... and by the end of it, he ended up being placed as Cetiri's second in command, which he continues to be to this day.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Hair Colour: Greying Brown.
Eye Colour: Pale Blue.
Age: 65
Date of Birth: 2/5/1958

Besides the information provided, Erwin is noted to have shorter hair, kept straight and in a military-like cut, much as he has always had, he also wears a uniform not unlike the governor's, though it is without the skirt and is silver and grey instead of being black, gold and red... it also lacks the flag that the governor wears on her left arm.
Besides this, his face is a tanned one, and it is wrinkled by damage done being in the cold, however... he is by no means 'ugly' by the standards of modern society, and, he is without other facial hair.

Additional information:
Noted to treat Governor Oltasina like his own grandchild well above the standards of his usual actions, he is also known to have a habit of smoking a concoction of various plant materials and minerals, which appears to be good for his health, as far as he states.

Full Name:
Vei Ostro Falkman.

An easily jealous, very egotistical woman, Vei is the third in line for governing, and only if Erwin and Cetiri pass away before the next elections, it's something that she's extremely vocal about and despises it in every way that could be imagined, she is one who believes that she should be in charge, and hates Cetiri and Erwin to an unhealthy extent as a result of it.
She was originally a political teacher in a city on the interior of the Federated Municipalities.

Vei is a bitter and jealous woman, and has been since the beginnings, having been taught to demand whatever she feels is hers through the bluntest and meanest ways during her early years, she has shown to be rash and unforgiving towards those who don't give her what she wants, but she isn't the type to see violence as the answer, as she's simply not courageous enough to throw a punch, especially not towards complete strangers, though she will still challenge and vocally harass them, as per her way of thinking tells her to do.

Vei was born in an internal city, to a mother and father that had been surprisingly fortunate for a non-coastal family, they were not in constant danger of losing their lives to the weather, nor were they too poor-off to have their child prevented from going to school whilst they handled surviving.
What they didn't do correctly, was teach Vei the right way to interact with individuals, she was taught early on to take what she wants, and treat herself like royalty whilst the others below her were nothing but annoyances or pawns for her. It was never intended by Vei's parents to end up as such, however, there was little they could do to change what they had already taught her, she was not going to steer off the path she had been pushed upon accidentally...
During her teenage years, she developed an intense interest in politics, and, furthermore, she developed an intense rivalry with several in her school over who would become the most popular, as popularity meant so much to her, she was not the victor in this... and soon after this, she quickly ditched her education, and moved to the Capital, where she took an interest in political matters even more deeply, and... despite having failed her education as a result of ditching her old school, she was accepted into an institution for a brief time that was focused on teaching younger people what politics were all about, and how to navigate them.
However, soon enough, she grew too restless with this job, and, decided to throw herself into the political ring...
It did not go as well as she had hoped, being nearly steamrolled by Cetiri as she had come into politics just slightly before Vei... and the end result was that she was left in the dust, thrown into place as the 'second backup' to the leadership in case things went really wrong, the only opposition leader to be placed as third governor, instead of secondary.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 119 lbs.
Chest: B-cup.
Hair Colour: Redish Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Age: 38
Date of Birth: 17/4/1985

Vei insists on having her hair long and curly, which results in this odd arrangement in regards to how she looks... including the fact that her skin looks to be paler then most, alongside this, her uniform is white, with bronze markings on it, to state exactly how far down she is in regards to authority, she hates the uniform, and has multiple times attempted to improve it... occasionally she'll be seen with fake medals, or she will be seen with various alterations to the uniform, these never last long, as she is scolded back into place by Cetiri and Erwin.

Additional information:
Due to Vei's volatile nature and seeming greed, she is actually considered to be a useless government employee, almost to the extent that Cetiri does not allow her to speak to her, and Erwin simply avoids her due to her sandpaper-like qualities, in other words, how unpleasant she is.

Full Name:
Cassy Ustur Caliso.

Born and raised on the outskirts of the Capital, Cassy is like any normal individual, she's not outstanding in any regards, she has a few friends, but not many, and she is known well enough by those around her, but they don't know everything.
She works as an overworked Council Observer for the Municipality Council, whom is in charge of... annoying the Primary Governor above all else, despite whatever tasks they claim to perform.

A friendly, yet consistently tired and fed up woman, Cassy has become a victim of the very job that she currently carries out, she attempts to maintain a friendly temperament, but for the most part, she has simply grown far too tired to do such things, she is known to be irritable by the end of each work day, and most are advised to leave her alone unless she has days off, in which case she will return to being more tolerable and friendly.

Cassy was born on the outskirts of the Capital, towards the colder regions of the city and towards the overall lesser wealthy parts of the city, not that wealth is all that extreme between anyone... there are simply differences in regards to who has the most space and the best conditions, as those closer to the city core clearly get far more...
Regardless, she received a general education like most in her area, and was given all the knowledge she needed for any jobs she would get, very swiftly, she was recruited as an intern in the government, as she saw a chance to get herself an excellent job with good pay if she went into government employment... however, the employment role she was subsequently given, has turned into a miniature hell for her, as it turns out that the tasks she was assigned to were merely time-wasters to her, and useless for the government at large... as the council she runs messages for, and tries to keep civility alive within... is mostly for show, and not for any benefit besides placating rebellious cities.

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Chest: Lower C-cup.
Hair Colour: Dark Brown.
Eye Colour: Ice Blue.
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 20/9/1994

With marginally pale skin, short, messy hair, and a simple uniform that consists of black dress pants, work shoes, and a white shirt with a black jacket placed on top, Cassy does not look particularly different from any normal person, she is noted to always stuff a pencil behind her right ear as well.

Image of Cassy:

Additional information:
Cassy is an extensive user of cannabis to help calm her nerves, specifically due to how stressful it is to be constantly running back and forth, it is something she is grateful for, as smoking is banned, but usage of cannabis is not... were neither legal, she would certainly have lost it by now.

Full Name:
Fojami Runuki Hako.

Fojami has always been one with an affinity for floating things, from the smallest rafts to large, impressive vessels, she is the one who is to blame for the Navy's grand prominence and it's previously crushing authority over the AAC, Antarctic Air Corps, she has proven to be cunning, and remarkably effective in a design role for many vessels, using techniques that would normally be too complex for others to dare consider attempting, due to cost and sheer difficulty in understanding what it is she'd be designing.
She has been in the Navy ever since her youngest days, always slipping under the rules of age and being on any vessel she could afford to join.

Fojami is tough as nails and as blunt as a sledgehammer, being the leader of two thirds of the nation's forces has forged her into a very difficult to deal with woman, but also a skilled and intelligent individual, especially due to her nature in being hands on, almost to the point of being a reckless woman.
Though, that suits her just fine, she loves the danger and risks that come with the work she does, and furthermore, she takes absolute pleasure in annoying the utter hell out of the rest of the government, but especially the ground army.
Furthermore, she has proven to love long discussions on technological and engineering problems, and seems to grasp things far above even her own engineers in the realms of shipbuilding and even general intelligence.
However... if one is to mention her size at all, or if someone is to act blatantly incompetent, Hako's patience disappears as if water had been dumped onto the sun... and she is known to hurl herself into a fury of rage, it is known that if not restrained, she will hospitalize those who criticize her height.


Height: 4'5"
Weight: 93 lbs.
Chest: Flat.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Pale Brown.
Age: 34
Date of Birth: 4/10/1989

Hako is, first and foremost, a very tanned individual, partially through damage done to her skin during her stowaway days onboard various coal-powered vessels, and partially through spending a large amount of time on the decks of various ships she has helped test and operate to ensure their viability.
She is never seen wearing the official Admiralty uniform that she would normally be expected to wear, unless she is forced to, it is the same type of uniform that all other naval officers wear, the maroon jacket, the black shoes and pants... and, on top of that, she would be forced to wear a number of medals and annoying golden chains on her uniform... which, she obviously hates.
Instead, she is seen most of all with a brown overcoat, black pants that are lined with pockets, black military boots, and under the overcoat, she wears a simple, white tank top, disregarding more extensive clothing as she is never in a place cold enough that she requires it.
She also wears a pair of brown goggles on her head, which are never down in front of her eyes unless she's working with crews of her fleet in the boiler rooms of various vessels.

Additional information:
Due to a genetic issue, Fojami is much shorter then the average human, but is known to be much, much stronger and much more stout, some people have referred to her as the "dwarf of the navy", some do it out of mocking her size, others, do it as a referral to her strength despite her small size, as dwarfs in Antarctic culture are treated much as they are in others, they're mountain-dwellers that spend most of their lives drilling holes into ore... thereby they are known to be extremely strong.
She is built mostly of muscle, so her higher weight compared to others of her size is not considered unhealthy.
She is known to enjoy an outright brawl or two, which helps release the pressure of operating a navy that hardly has what it takes to handle itself in the icy cold like they do.

Image of Hako:

Full Name:
Yuni Tatsumyo Umikazi.

Yuni, form her youngest days, has always admired the idea of humanity, no, of anyone, flying in the skies above her, she has always dreamed of seeking her destiny among the clouds.
So much has she desired it until now, that all of her pursuits, both in physical activity and in education, she has pushed for the hopes that she could do what she needed to be permitted to fly high... and fly hard.
Though, living in Antarctic provided deeper challenges than the average person would otherwise experience, so much so, that she has become more than just an experienced pilot, from her countless struggles on her path, she has developed a keen intelligence, and a sharp wit, though she has also been driven to become much more dead-set on her goals, due to how hard she was pressed to follow her path.

Yuni is a very friendly person upfront, amicable, easily spoken to, and with a tone that softens even the most tight of defenses, it doesn't betray what lies beneath.
Under that friendly and passive exterior, is someone driven to extreme lengths by her desires, lengths that draw her into conflict with others, quite often, driving her away from those that she would have made friends of to an extent.
The reason for her drive? Flight. The ultimate goal for her, not just to experience, to use, or to master... but to share. She deeply desires the proliferation of flight among everyone, regardless of whom they are, and what they would use it for.
It especially drives her into conflict with those who sea Earthbound life as natural, she is especially a rival of General Rosia and Admiral Hako, both people who demand funding that would otherwise go to her beloved child, the air corps, and she is significantly cold and harsh to the one behind the favoritism until now, Governor Cetiri.
Her envy of the endless budget that the navy has been given sours her kindness, and she is overtly hostile whenever she is near Hako... though this does not interfere with her goals, or her interests.
She will set aside all grudges, all hatred, all for the goal of flight. All for the idea that she could, possibly, drive forth an age of aircraft, in a place so far behind the curve. She will not stand to see her home fall so far behind the other regional powers, or worldly powers, and this drive has propelled her into a place where she can afford to do this.

Born in Imakii, Yuni was, early on, noted for being a carefree and careless child in her earliest days.
Carefree and careless in that she didn't hold must interest in the idea of taking work in any place that Imakii at the time provided, being a growing town at the time, there was no hope for Yuni to get anything other than a job as a fisher, or as some shopkeeper, such as her parents respectively.
She, instead, was noted to be looking to the skies, any time she could get the ability to, she wouldn't let anything get in her way if she could spend even a second staring at the sky.

Her parents were not particularly supportive, struggling at the time, they needed their daughter, one of three, and the youngest, to be just like the other two, focused on work, and not on dreams and fantasies that wouldn't help anything.
They tried, and failed, to contain her boundless carelessness of life on the ground.
It became even harder once formal education became present in Imakii, Yuni, very quickly, learned through the teachers from outside Municipalities of the idea of flight, and the fact that, yes, other nations already had the ability to propel a living being into the sky, in such a way that they could control their craft to fly as they wished.
It was then, that Yuni found what she had been wishing for, when looking into the sky like she had been.
Instead of taking classes in such a way that she would become a common worker, she pressed herself into her classes with a fervor, seeing a chance that perhaps, if she worked as hard as possible, she could escape Imakii's growth and choking industry, and instead leap into action in this... 'aeronautical' field.

She managed not only that, but she was permitted access to higher education due to how much effort she put in, and how high she scored on all types of tests, those that government officials were watching for.
She was transferred out of Imakii and into Hii, at the age of 13, and from there, she was given a substantial education, Yuni also learned of just how much better life was in Hii, compared to that in Imakii at the time, the capital was so much more modern, and so much more lively and livable, even if it was on the surface at the time.
It was here that she learned of the government's lack of interest in flight as well, however... something that merely drove her further into her studies, due to being moved into Hii, she was provided a government-standard budget that she could use for food and other materials of need, she did her best to get her hands on aircraft manuals, aircraft books, anything that she could to learn aircraft, as the government itself didn't provide such things at the time.
She pressed herself into learning so hard some days, that she made herself sick doing so, but didn't allow herself to rest, yet she did maintain her physical strength, learning from these books that only through top condition, were you allowed to pilot many types of craft.

Eventually, she managed to graduate at the top of the school she was placed into, and not just that, she graduated with much knowledge that not even many of the teachers knew, as the education system was still hard-pressed to catch up to the modern world...
Though whilst the teachers had not been able to see the depths of Yuni's intelligence, only a time after graduation, she received a notice in her mailbox, inviting her to work as a pilot.
Not just that, but a pilot for an 'air corps'.
Antarctica's air corps.
She took it without hesitation, expecting her chance to have finally arrived... though, when she truly got immersed into it... she realized that it was a secondary concern, she was a pilot, certainly, but for loaned aircraft, and under none other than the Navy... under a woman named Hako, who seemed unwilling to acknowledge the benefits of aircraft, and certainly focused more on overly expensive, enormously wasteful oceangoing vessels... something that infuriated Yuni.
The two quickly developed into bitter enemies over this, as Hako didn't like Yuni's tone, and Yuni hated Hako's attitude towards aircraft.

This wouldn't last, however...
Most recently, she had a surprise provided to her.
In the form of Cetiri, the governor, abruptly splitting the Navy from the Corps... and providing funding not only to the corps, but also revealing several projects she had been working on behind the scenes, which meant that the corps was, suddenly, something of it's own branch... and Yuni learned that she was at the head of this.
Not just that, Yuni was given permission to control the corps entirely as she sees fit, without the need to answer to Hako, or anyone else for that matter.
...and that leads her to the present day. Where she is now, finally, able to lead a government-sponsored initiative to spread the wings of Antarctica's people from her new home in Entam... and take to the sky, for the better.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Chest: A-cup.
Hair Colour: Blond.
Eye Colour: Violet.
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 26/7/1996

Image of Yuni:
Source: No idea.

Full Name:
Rosia Imikov Sevenkai.

General Rosia is not like some of her competitors and staff, she's driven, more by anything, to protect the Antarctic way of life, and it's economic system from those who would seek to cause it harm, as she sees it to be the superior system of life compared to that of capitalism and unchecked consumerism.
She is one who sees the army as one to be led from the front, and one that must be shown the way, through a will unbroken and a voice that can be heard above the blizzards... though, she is known to be bad with paperwork, giving her yet another reason to stay away from offices.

General Rosia is an aggressive, confident, and deeply driven woman, who sees her position as one that should not be squandered by any measure, it should not be squandered in usage for betterment of herself, rather utilized for betterment of the military at large, further, she sees herself as a linchpin in the MoA's defense of socialism, and as an important part of the MoA's defenses in general, though in truth this is hardly the case.
However, she is not unshakable and unbeaten, she worries that any mistakes that she makes may draw serious scrutiny onto her and pull away any and all respect that she may have earned, as such... she refuses to focus on paperwork or anything of the sort, leaving it to delegated, trustworthy officers that she works with, hoping that she never ends up slipping in any other action she carries out, thus, she has an extremely stern and strict sense of what is allowed, and what is not, resulting in a rather authoritarian standard of operation for her military administration.

[Redacted by AMSIO]

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 194 lbs.
Chest: G-cup.
Hair Colour: Red.
Eye Colour: Silvery White.
Age: 48
Date of Birth: ??/?/1975

Image of Rosia:
Source: Azur Lane, (Sovetskaya Rossiya.) Blame Wubdich and Strala for this.

Full Name:
Maxalimo August Tetrich

Perhaps the most mysterious scientist available to the Antarctic, and also the most blatantly uncaring of the rules of research, Maxalimo is one who places the progress of research above all else, morality, safety, even security if she must push it that far... she is also one of the few members of the government not to be installed by Cetiri, she was here long before Cetiri decided to run for governor at all, and she regards the governor with cold neglect, uncaring of what she may say or do, so long as she does not interfere in her research... if she does? Then there will be hell to raise.

Strangely energetic... and incredibly unpredictable, that is the best way to first describe it.
It does not matter what situation Maxalimo finds herself in, but she finds it very hard to not be energetic, excited, and extremely loud about things, if you speak with her, you will likely have trouble getting her to quiet down and calm down... unless it is about her own research, in which case, she grows quite serious and stern, and if she notes that someone's understanding has faltered, she will grow agitated. In fact, anyone who is not nearly as knowledgeable as her in any particular topic is an extreme irritant for her, so much so that she may just ignore individuals completely if they do not know enough to balance her irritation.
Furthermore... she will grow rather angry at those who spread misinformation and when ignorant or uniformed people attempt to criticize her work, or the work of others, for a lack of understanding and a fear of what their work may do.
She is especially vile towards those who cling to religion as a means to understand the world, compared to her own extreme atheism, she is the type that would berate those who still believe in gods and ghosts.


Height: 5'11"
Weight: 133 lbs.
Chest: Flat.
Hair Colour: White.
Eye Colour: Gold-yellow.
Age: 41
Date of Birth: ??/?/1982

Image of Maxalimo:
Source: I have honestly no idea. But ignore the mechanical metal things.

Additional information:
Never attempt to bring up morals with Maxalimo... she is not one to take morality into the equation when she must be dealing with the most dangerous and powerful technology known to Antarctic hands... it is through her that Cetiri does not need to follow legal procedures and legal routes of research... and Maxalimo prefers to show results, rather then say them.
She typically is all-too-happy to show others the results of her research, typically through live demonstrations and active participation from others, which has nearly resulted in several cases of accidental injury from those she involves in said demonstrations.

Full Name:
(Agent) Fosokai Katalia.

Calm, respectful, and tolerant, Katalia is a model for AMSIO and her fellow agents, as one would expect for someone of her caliber.
She is the absolutely undisputed head of the Military Specialty and Intelligence Ops network, AMSIO, and is one of it's best operatives on top of that, despite being known to be a non-confrontational individual who prefers to avoid combat duty and agent duty as best as she can.
Not much outside of her career is known, and that is mostly due to Katalia's intense distrust of broadcasting any form of personal information out into the world, even prior to her work with AMSIO.
She was originally in training under the [REDACTED] administration, and was appointed as the leader of AMSIO very shortly before the Cetiri Administration took power... Cetiri remained confident in Katalia's ability to act as the Primary Agent, and decided not to remove her from position, unlike most other Governors, who would always appoint their own AMSIO leader, expecting previous leaders to be entirely corrupt.

Cool and collected, with tolerant and respectful undertones, Katalia has the perfect mindset and tone to her thoughts and voice that make her an excellent operative not only for military action, but civil and espionage duties.
She acts as a realistic voice of reason in every situation, and on top of that, she has the ability to relate to many people, or seem to, and it makes her easier to trust... as, too, does her supposed incorruptible nature, which she uses to her advantage against enemy and ally alike... able to gain information from others that would normally never be given, due to the trust that all, even enemies, put into her.
She has never been seen to get too emotional at all, though... and she is clearly a little detached from feelings that most others would have... as it has been noted after psychological evaluations that she is incapable of forming attachments of love towards other people. She is certainly capable of friendships... but, she cannot go any further than that, despite any efforts made to correct it.

[Original File -REDACTED- and -PURGED- by AMSIO at request of Katalia.]
"For those of you curious... Well... I can't tell you anything. I am AMSIO's leading director. If I started letting people write things about me, I'd have cracks start appearing in our network and in the safety of our agents.
So, kindly avoid trying to find things about me, thank you.

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 151 lbs
Chest: Upper C-cup.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Dark Brown.
Age: 45
Date of Birth: ??/?/1978

Image of Katalia. (In specialist agent uniform):
Source: Linklas91214 on Artstation.

Additional information:
Despite reaching towards the half-way point of her life, Katalia has not slackened or failed in keeping her body in top condition. Thanks both to AMSIO's resources in genetics and healthcare technology, she is theoretically capable of completely reversing all aging effects on her, and has used this to it's greatest effects to maintain her youth and strength.
When out and about carrying out public duties, or dealing with tasks and jobs that don't involve her carrying a firearm, explosives, or other tools, Katalia will typically favor a black business suit, and a pair of black sunglasses. On top of which, she wears a black trenchcoat to keep the cold out.

Full Name:
Henson Iyama Netashi.




Age: 49
Date of Birth: 23/5/1974


Additional information:

Full Name:
Jackson Robin Lears.




Height: 6'2"
Weight: 163 lbs.
Hair Colour: Pale Brown.
Eye Colour: Pale Brown.
Age: 42
Date of Birth: 3/12/1981


Additional information:

Full Name:
Therri Kalikiv Yimii.




Height: 6'1"
Weight: 149 lbs.
Chest: Lower c-cup.
Hair Colour: Blond.
Eye Colour: Purple.
Age: 37
Date of Birth: 13/3/1986


Additional information:

Full Name:
Grigan Yaniko Sashimo.




Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Grey.
Age: 44
Date of Birth: 6/11/1979


Additional information:

Full Name:
Satsu Nechiku Ikami.




Height: 5'10"
Weight: 157 lbs
Chest: B-cup.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Amber.
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 8/8/1987


Additional information:

Full Name:
Annie Oyami Cochlea.


Oddly positive and difficult to disappoint, Annie is typically not the mindset that would be looked for when assigning someone to the position of Minister of Health and Safety. Though, that is what most would say and see when they first meet her. A highly childish, friendly and extremely difficult to sadden or anger.
However, her work turns her into quite a different person. She is extremely passionate about her role... and even moreso about ensuring that people know why her Ministry does what it does.
Unlike some ministers, Annie is one of the members of government who spends more time dealing with public outreach, expressing that her greatest joy is speaking to the people, helping them understand things in a way that simply reading a website wouldn't allow for.
Though while there is positive outlooks from her no matter what happens, she does have a touchy nerve about poor safety standards. She does not much tolerate when facilities of any kind fail to uphold the regulations her Ministry sets out. While not violent or aggressive, her positive and friendly attitude can be quick to dry out, as her patience is tested.
Likewise, during serious situations, Annie is very unlikely to goof off, or generally exude the same energy that she usually does. She knows when it is inappropriate... and doesn't let herself slip in such situations.


Height: 4'7"
Weight: 89 lbs.
Chest: Flat.
Hair Colour: (Dyed) Pink, with light blue tips.
Eye Colour: (Left) Green, (Right) Purple.
Age: 31
Date of Birth: 10/3/1992


Additional information:
Typically will wear a standard doctor's uniform during work-hours, and is usually seen in her pastel colours when she is off work, if rarely.

Full Name:
Aurora Kasno Vulff.


Considered one of the more hotheaded of the Civilian ministries, Director Aurora Vulff is easily seen as an impatient, logic-driven woman. She has little time for the idiocy of those who don't know what they're talking about... and is highly critical of anyone who dares to question her methods and projects.
While this may be the case, she is no reckless or baselessly aggressive brute. She is capable of being patient when the situation calls for it, especially during delays that are beyond the control of others. Her patience is only truly tested when those around her, civilian or staff alike, are incompetent and unknowing of information and needs that feed into the designing and modification of all infrastructure.
She is typically quite cordial to those who aren't incurring her wrath and she has a strong sense of duty, above much else. Especially to the people themselves, as foolish as they may tend to be when lacking information.
Though, it must be noted that she is seen as a ruthless boss, who doesn't provide many breaks to her staff, those who are given breaks are only given what the law demands to be given to them, else it is possible that she would work her staff to the bone, all in pursuit of what the country and it's people require of the Ministry of Transport.


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 131 lbs.
Chest: B-cup.
Hair Colour: White-blond.
Eye Colour: Icy Blue.
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 25/12/1990

Source: Presumably Girls Und Panzer. (Erika Itsumi.)

Additional information:

Full Name:
Osamo Gichimo Mikamo.






Additional information:

Full Name:






Additional information:

Full Name:
Ashu Swiiri Remiki.




Height: 5'7"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Chest: B-cup.
Hair Colour: (Dyed) White. (Natural) Greying silver.
Eye Colour: Pale Blue.
Age: 45
Date of Birth: 17/6/1978


Additional information:

Full Name:
Penny Alya Harlow.




Height: 6'0"
Weight: 131 lbs.
Chest: Upper C-cup.
Hair Colour: Shiny Black.
Eye Colour: Pale Purple.
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 28/1/1991


Additional information:

Full Name:
Saria Damika Meyers.

Somewhat reclusive as far as ministers go, Saria is the leading voice behind the Social Welfare projects that the Antarctic Government is constantly operating, a soft voice, and typically very passive, one would almost be forgiven for thinking she doesn't fight for the funding she receives, or that she does not she fight for the position she is in.
These people are wrong, she has fought long and hard to be in this position, bitterly fighting her way up the food chain for years, ever since becoming an intern in the Ministry.
At the top of the chain, is where she developed her abnormally calm and collected attitude, save for odd moments of furious focus, both in maintaining the budgeting she needs, and in protecting those who are most disadvantaged in life, who so happen to cross her desk as severe cases.

Saria is not a woman who enjoys the spotlight much, seeing it as bright, annoying, and stressful, she prefers to be hiding behind the curtains whilst others take the glory and prestige from her work, a worker behind the scenes, and one that prefers to be neither seen, nor heard.
Though, this does not make her weak or soft, she has proven, time and time again, that she will bitterly fight for the sake of those that she works to better, the poor, the disabled, the unlucky and the unloved, she refuses to let the government take an inch or cent from her, when it could go to those who need it the most, more than the armed forces, more than services that don't provide anything to those people she focuses on.
In that way, she is much like an ideal parent, calm and content so long as she is allowed to conduct her business and protect those she cares for... but bitterly and dangerously aggressive towards those who would dare take from her and those same cared-for people.
Her greatest senses of kindness seem to be when she is present among those who are elderly or young, or those who aren't human, she especially maintains a surprising kindness to hybrids, and seems to have a serious curiosity about them, almost to a concerning degree.


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 147 lbs
Chest: Upper C-cup.
Hair Colour: Brown.
Eye Colour: Yellow.
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 12/2/1996

Note: No ears, only the tail. Since Faunus only have one animal trait. (Haven you're free to yell at me if I messed up.)

Additional information:

Full Name:
Aiku Yohisu Celenti.




Height: 6'0"
Weight: 151 lbs.
Chest: Upper C-cup.
Hair Colour: Silver-white.
Eye Colour: Pale Brown.
Age: 37
Date of Birth: 7/9/1986


Additional information:

Full Name:
Helian Osaris Balter.

A cold and calculating woman, Helian is a voice of reason among the Antarctican Police Service, as it's chief officer, and Warden of Law. She is a mixed bag of ethics, and certainly unique to the police force, having served for 20 years as a Warden of a notoriously dangerous and violent execution center.
Now, she serves Cetiri's government, and does so with vigor, in hopes that the mistakes of older governments are not repeated in the present day.

Stern, but not heavy-handed, Helian has been shaped to be a woman of reason and caution, due to her work as the Primary Warden of a now-defunct execution prison under two previous governments, her mind has been driven to become stoic about death, and the matters surrounding it, though she is not heartless, she is not heartless as she knows that executions, one way or another, were not the right way to go about punishing criminals. The families of these criminals had to pay the price too, as did their friends that were not as evil as some of her victims were.
As a result, despite her exterior and her harsh reputation for punishing failures, she does not seek to harm and torture those who she is charged with managing, in fact, it's exactly the opposite, she wants them to be as healthy and happy as possible, and this goes not just for prisoners and criminals, but for her officers too. Punishments are only brought forth if it's deserving, such as failure to uphold the law, or protect the innocent... however, her punishments have been known to cross ethical lines that most others wouldn't dare tread near, and she has become known for a ruthless attitude about perfection... anything less, and suffering will follow.

[Due to personal request, Helian's Biography has been left out of the files.]

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155 lbs
Chest: Mid C-cup.
Hair Colour: Gray.
Eye Colour: Yellow.
Age: 52
Date of Birth: 29/3/1971

Image of Helian:
Source: Girls Frontline (Helianthus)

Additional information:
Helian is typically never seen without a tablet, which she uses to communicate with many far out of her reach, and coordinates her work from it.
Due to an over-reliance on tobacco early on in her life, she has developed an intense addiction that cannot be stemmed normally, as a result, she is one of the only people in Antarctica allowed to smoke... as nobody in the government can really arrest the chief of police.

Full Name:
Chitomosi Hariruna Kamuyushi.





Height: 5'7"
Weight: 96 lbs.
Chest: A-Cup.
Hair Colour: (Natural) Greying Black, (Dyed) Pale Brown.
Eye Colour:
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 4/6/1998

Additional information:
One of the few members of government that is physically impaired and thus unable to do much physical movement. Due to this, they spend most of their time administrating their Ministry from the comfort of an office, in a chair that helps monitor her well-being whilst also being comfortable.
This means she's quite pale, quite remote and disconnected from most people... and is only really seen during critical meetings, or government-mandated joint meetings.

Full Name:
Eosiko Richardson Ollens.





Height: 6'0"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Hair Colour: Redish-brown.
Eye Colour: Dark Brown.
Age: 41
Date of Birth: 13/10/1982

Additional information:

Full Name:
Elan Cersu Omaro.




Height: 5'9"
Weight: 153 lbs.
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Dark Brown.
Age: 46
Date of Birth: 16/8/1977


Additional information:

Read dispatch

Credit to Sanghyeok for sort-of inspiring me to consider mailing addresses, just due to a chance look at the embassy and consulate listed in my foreign affairs file. (Hi, I'm sure this is annoying to you.)
Quite important: Only images I directly bought from the artist, IE: Hako, are directly owned by me. I claim no ownership over the rest.
