
by The 🔅🔅Aurrelian Empire🔅🔅 of Dingoy. . 45 reads.

The Aurrel Agreement Act 2021

The Aurrel Agreement Act 2021

Short form: AAA

Purpose: To give the Government the ability to administer Agreed regions.


Founder: Chief executive officer of another region.

Government: The Consular, Imperator and Department of Colonies.

Colony: The title of a region that has come under the AAA

Agreed: When a founder of another region has agreed to enable the Government of Aurrelius to administer their region.

Proconsul: The name of the Founder of another region that has been brought under the Aurrel Agreement.

Section One: The Founder
(i) The Founder of the Colony has the right to remain the chief executive officer of the Affiliated region.
(ii) The Founder of the Colony has the responsibility to maintain recruitment efforts for the Colony, with assistance from the Government.
(iii) The Founder of the Colony will be identified as the Proconsul by the Government.
(iv) The Founder of the Colony must redesign their flag to incorporate elements of the flag of Aurrelius.
(v) The Founder of the Colony will be the representative for the Colony, designated as Proconsul of (Colony name).
(vi) The Founder of the Colony, as Proconsul, will be member of the Department of Colonies.

Section Two: The Government
(i) The Government has the right to intervene with the internal affairs of the Colony.
(ii) The Government must not intervene with the foreign affairs of the Colony, however:
a. The Colony must not be affiliated with defender, fascist, anti-LGBT+, blacklisted regions, or another regional coalitions. If such conditions are not met, the Government will intervene.
(iii) The Government, before any major decision, must consult the Founder.

Section Three: Citizenship
(i) Citizens of the Colony have Provincial Citizenship in Aurrelius.
(ii) If a Provincial Citizen holds a Provincial Citizenship for six months, they may have full Citizenship.
(iii) The Augustus or Imperator may grant Citizenship to a Provincial Citizen at any time.
(iv) The Assembly may grant Citizenship to a Provincial Citizen with a simple majority.

Section Four: The Assembly
(i) The Colony may have one Assemblymember representative per ten nations in their Colony.
(ii) The Assembly may pass laws that affect the Colony.
(iii) The Assembly may expel the Colony from the Agreement, in accordance with Section Two, Part V & VI of the Citizens’ Charter.

Section Five: The Aurrelian Legions
(i) The Aurrelian Legions will act as a defensive force of the Colony.

Section Six: Agreement
(i) An Agreement must be made over Discord or Telegram for the AAA to come into effect.
(ii) The Imperator or delegated responsibility must have a nation present within the Colony. This nation must have a regional officer position, labeled Administrator, and must have all available powers.
a. This nation must be able to recruit for the Colony.
(iii) An embassy must be established with the Colony.
