
by Naguiu. . 60 reads.

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Naguiu wrote:took me like 1 hour to write
Corpses of fallen soldiers littered the sandy grounds of a beautiful seaside town, one that had been raided and pillaged by the Xocohuits; fierce warriors from the southern east coast of Itskixochit.
This had become a common sight in many coastal towns, villages and even some cities as a deathly war raged on between the Xocohuits and the Naguiuan Ateótls, who were considering surrendering at this point.
Then, one windy and cloudy day, in one of the raided cities appeared a mysterious cloaked woman.
Her presence was commanding, yet she carried herself with a certain grace and elegance.
She stood atop a cluster of rocks, towering above everyone else, and clapped her hands to get the people's attention. Everyone turned to look at her, and she started speaking.

"My people, I call for your utmost attention, for the situation at hand is one of major importance.
The sky may seem gray today, the wind harsh and unkind. But the answer is not to give up hope, the answer is never to give up hope.
We have always prospered against all odds. Tell me, why should today be any different?
The reason we have always overcome all of the challenges fate has presented us with is a simple one...we are not quitters, we are not mere sheeple condemned to be forever stuck in the position of followers. We are warriors, warriors and winners.
We, Ateótls, have always given back what has been given to us, and the Xocohuits have given us only pain and suffering...
The only fair response is to enact our vengeance upon them. We will not submit, and we will not surrender, for we are not the terrified xumu awaiting to be eaten by the coayan. We are the coayan. We have always been and we will always be."

The woman continued rallying up the Ateótl people, and by the end of her speech the large crowd that had gathered around the rock cluster was cheering with excitement.
To finish her speech, she grabbed an unlit sparkler candle and held it up for everyone to see.

"May this forever serve as a reminder of what we are!"

She lit the candle and the crowd cheered.
Legend has it that the woman was actually the Goddess Xumautla disguised as a mortal.
This myth is the origin of the Ateótl tradition of lighting up a sparkler candle every 9th of December, which is supposedly the date that the previously mentioned event took place.

Naguiu wrote:
January 11th, 1978
Xumautlacotl, Naguiu

Arani Yaotl had been appointed as the new leader of Naguiu after the December coup.
She walked towards the lectern, about to give a speech.
In the audience were her mother and father, Iztacihua Yaotl and Huitzi Yaotl respectively. They were proud of her, in fact, her father was tearing up.
Would they still have been proud of her if they had known what was coming?
Arani Yaotl's dictatorship was one of the, if not the most brutal dictatorship Naguiu has ever been through. Civil, political and even economical rights were all crushed and turned to dust under her rule, it took the country a long time to get back on it's feet.
Arani enamored the Nagui people with false and empty promises which turned out to be untrue, she was corrupt, and she was most likely also insane.

August 15th, 1989
Mezcate Fortress, Achíate

The grass had turned black, the leaves of the trees went from a beautiful viridescent color to a harsh yellow. The intoxicating smell of garlic and onions filled the air, and the corpses of both dead animals and soldiers littered the ground.
A bloody, dying soldier lies on the ground among his many fallen comrades, the silhouette of the grim reaper ominously looms above him.
Death asks him a question, her voice is soothing yet imposing, "Tell me, brave soldier, do you have a death wish?."
The soldier, thinking he's hallucinating, replies yes.
"What is it?" asks Death.
The soldier stays silent for a minute before smiling and finally answering, only Death could hear his answer.
Death nods, "Remember, I'll be waiting for you", she then vanishes without leaving a trace.
At around 4-5 A.M, after the bombardment of Mezcate fortress, the Naguiuan 5th Infantry Division advanced expecting little resistance, instead they were met at the first defense line by a counter-charge made up of the Achiatean soldiers that survived.
The Naguiuans were frightened by the appearance of the Achiateans, who looked very much like zombies; they were coughing up blood and bits of their own lungs, chunks of their flesh were falling off as they walked, and some of them were missing limbs.
The Naguiuans were ordered to retreat, they ran away so fast many of them ended up getting caught in their own c-wire traps. The remaining 7 Achiatean guns then proceeded to open fire and mow down the fleeing Naguiuan soldiers.
The Achiateans managed to hold on to the area for a short time before withdrawing on December 2nd, much of the fortress was then demolished.

November 4th, 1997
Caychemar, Naguiu

A young Nikte Ychen stood in the middle of an abandoned concentration camp, the buildings had been worn down, many of them were falling apart.
If you were to venture inside them, you'd find prussian blue stains across the gas chambers, an ugly reminder of the atrocities that had taken place there.
Nikte, like so many other people, had lost many of her close family members in the war. Her brother, Sozíl Ychen, died on the battlefield. Her father had contracted a severe illness that wasn't able to be treated in time due to the fact that the hospitals were already full of dying people. And her mother...her mother had died in this very concentration camp, along with many others.
All of this suffering was caused by one single person, one single twisted individual was able to cause all this pain, and her name was Arani Yaotl.
Memories of her still haunted Naguiu, Arani was a ruthless dictator, and it was under her rule that the war between Achíate and Naguiu started, the war that had caused so many atrocities, the war that ended in...this.
And yet, Naguiu still actively tried to forget about her, they were trying to deny the country's past. Children were taught very little, if at all, about her, and soon, they accomplished what they wanted, most of the country forgot her. Not all of it did though; there was no way people like Nikte Ychen, native Achiateans who suffered the consequences of the war first-hand, were going to forget about her.

March 1st, 2020
Xumautlacotl, Naguiu

Under President Mistlí Izel and Governor Yusuo Xiuhtli, corruption has vastly increased in Naguiu and it's special administrative regions.
All the good things they have brought to Naguiu can be vastly outweighed by the harm they've done.
Wealth inequality, corruption, inflation, all of these are the results of the current President's poor leadership, and also the consequences of the poor leadership of the previous ones.
All throughout Naguiu, Achiateans are still ostracized and cast away. And overall, not much has improved.
Following a streak of protests caused by the Onot incident, an incident where a civilian of Achiatean decent was brutally beaten and then killed by the police, the stage for a revolution is set.
Nikte Ychen, now 23 years old, has organized a group of revolutionaries with similar ideas. Some of them are Achiateans or have Achiatean family members, some of them are of Naguiuan decent, but all of them are fighting for one common goal; Achíate's independence.

Naguiu wrote:i'm finished!
took me 2 hours
September 12th, 2021
Xumautlacotl, Naguiu

A rift had grown between the governor and the president. Kiche's ideals did not match Anáhuac's in the slightest, in fact, Kiche had come to despise Anáhuac. Their starkly different personalities caused them to clash frequently.

Meanwhile, Yana Kiche had been writing a book in her spare time, one which may be considered her manifesto; it was simply titled "Minchua", a Chyzan word meaning "Reform".
The book detailed Kiche's ideas for a new government system, one in which the peoples of the Naguiuan special administrative regions would not be represented by one single individual, but by five individuals democratically elected by the regions to be their designated representatives. Those five representatives would then form the Assembly, which would work alongside the President.
Yana herself was an autocrat at heart, she believed in absolutism. But she also believed that an autocrat should rule with knowledge and understanding, knowledge that would be provided by the Assembly.
The Assembly was to inform the President of the problems their respective peoples faced, and the President was then to act upon a set of guidelines outlined in the New Constitution (Kiche had also taken the time to rewrite the Constitution and reorganize the Naguiuan law code).
Speaking about the President; the President was to be elected by the Assembly members, or in the absence of them, the President was to be elected meritocratically.

After finishing the book, Governor Kiche took to propagating her manifesto. It quickly proved popular with the people of Chyza, Achíate, Aguaymanto and the rest of the special administrative regions, who were unhappy with the current government system and considered it unfair.
Though some revisions were made to the book, the fundamental principles of the system it proposed remained mostly the same.

Yet, Yana knew that just policies themselves weren't going to win over the people of Naguiu, fortunately though, she also happened to be an expert demagogue. She appealed to the desires and prejudices of the Naguiuan hoi polloi and rapidly gained support all across Naguiu.
In addition to this, President Cen Anáhuac was already disliked by most Naguiuans, and Governor Yana Kiche took advantage of that inherent animosity to gather even further support.

December 3rd, 2022
Kiko Square, Chyza

Somehow, this whole thing had remained a mere underground movement until now.
For almost a whole year, Yana and her supporters had been carefully and strategically planning a revolution. And today was the day, the day it officially started.

A small group of people revolted in Kiko Square, protesting the mistreatment of the special administrative region's people and the inherent unfairness of the current government.
Several other revolts started sprouting up all across the country in a coordinated effort.
A slogan came to be associated with these groups, "Xícotl ilhui ayauh, ca cozamalotl" (The state serves the people, not the government).

