
by Bharata khanda. . 55 reads.

UCN Legislation Template

The United Council of Nations
General Assembly Resolution #X: Legislation Title

Sponsors: Authors of the legislation
Individuals who agree with your legislation
[Note: you need at least four total Sponsors and Signatories to get your legislation to a vote]

Preambulatory Clauses: This is where you put the clauses that recognize the background for your legislation. You do not need all of these causes, but at least one or two is preferred.

Recognizing This is where you recognize conditions that justify the need for your legislation

Acknowledging Acknowledges support for your cause

Determining What you deem necessary to happen, and what this legislation will be looking to accomplish

Operative Clauses: This is where the meat of your legislation goes. Not all of these clauses will be necessary.

Declares What you wish your legislation to do

Empowers Gives a Government office the authority to carry out a specific deed

Authorizes Gives authorization for some deed to be carried out in general

Establishes What your legislation is going to do in practice

Calls Upon Authorizes an individual or office to act in a certain way

Status: Insert current status of legislation here; Drafting (Black), Passed (Green), Failed (Red)

Bharata khanda

