
by Earth allies. . 133 reads.

Political Parties

For the elections of every thing and voting

Political parties

Republican party

The Republican party

by Venus states


1.We want a non-lawful acts and 26 amendments in the constitution
2.We want to not let other parties over throw the government to make it their own remime
3.Beat stronger parties.
4.Be the strongist party in the Union

From the founder of the party, Venus states

Part of the United Nations and Planets

Members: Venus states, Ganymede states, Tethy, The rigel states, United states of america usa usa

Chairman:Venus states

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Democratic party

The Democratic Party

by Maritan states


1.We want a strong government with acts that do not do with the people
2.We don't make anyone a strong parties
3.We like mother earth so no global warmings happening
4.We don't like mean parties

Members: Maritan states, Iapetus and dione, Calisto states, Rhea and phoebe, Tigerstor

Chairman:Maritan states

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Earth allies
