
by Casstopia ii. . 137 reads.

Grow your Economy!

Grow your economy, what this campaign stand for?

This campaign tries to raise the economy of the region as a whole, talking with the nations about their policies and laws. to try to raise it's economy, of course this is not mandatory, but it would be great. if you grew your economy. this would help the URCR to let see the world about how capitalism has helped the nations that use it, also a strong economy means a strong nation. so support capitalism in every issue you got!

But, I'm socialist and it works for me!

Many socialist nations, have strong economies yes. but don't worry the whole point of this campaign is to raise your economy. we pointed capitalism because is the fastest and the best way to grow a economy. but if you're socialist it's great. you can remain socialist. we don't judge by ideologies. you're free to choose which ideology you like the most.

I don't want to have a strong economy, this means the government will kick me out?

As we said before, this is just a campaign you can follow it if you want. but if you don't want to you can ignore it. we won't kick you out for anything related to your ideologies, that's what our region stands for liberty and individual freedoms.

(Originally written by our founder)

Casstopia ii
