
by Arkmunster. . 4 reads.

Arkmunster Culture

Here, you can access a variety of demographic information on Arkmunster including religion, race, and language. Also present is portions of Arkmunster heritage both before and after the Civil War.

Race in Arkmunster

Arkmunster proudly holds a multinational heritage in the country as both a place of equal opportunity and upholds secular ideals, meeting as a place for all races and creeds can find a proud, personal future here. Notable minorities in the country are Egyptians (specifically centred in historic Bisra District) and Hispanics (located in numerous farming communities, such as Romelle and Tarabus), but other communities are represented and celebrated nationally in the Heritage Day Celebrations.

Arkmunster is unique in classifying people with black skin colour by their nationality, considering them integral to their local culture and not an entirely separate entity.

English is the official language, but French is recognised as a minority language and is learned in High School by students. In the bigger cities such as Ryde, Middlemoor, and Ravenhof, Masri is offered in place of French. English serves as the day to day language and the language of governance, with over 98% of the population having a working understanding fo English.

Generally, however, most citizens feel a sense of unity with Arkmunster and feel that Arkmunster is their home, inspiring national and revolutionary pride in their country. (See the Hart Study for more information)

Religion in Arkmunster

Religion in Arkmunster had been a divisive subject under the rule of the Monarchs, causing several purges and corrupt influence by the 'Old Protestants' who were in the majority. The people began to revolt against their corrupt rule, however, embracing a variety of different faiths. Important figures in the reform movement of Protestantism revived Lutheranism and built the 'New Protestantism' movement to counter the Old one, leaping ahead in popular faith as citizens flocked back to the church. Catholicism too has seen a resurgence in the Catholic Worker Movement, a group of priest-workers who hold sermons after hours in factory floors and engage in community public work projects. Modernist Salafism is by far the most dominant non-Christian faith, embracing the ideology in response to the aggressively repressive Old Protestants. The home of the LGBT movement in the worst years before King David, the Muslim and LGBT community have been linked together ever since, with both Pride and Muslim Appreciation Day being held on the same day, which bring out large crowds in Bisra and districts across the nation.

The irreligious cohort of the nation is a new, unstructured entrance into Arkmunster. A wide swath of Arkmunster, especially with the new secular ideals brought by the revolution, they stand entirely separate. The best thing about being irreligious, according to them? Getting to sleep in Sunday.

Old Protestantism is not counted as part of the Christian faith by New Protestants, Lutherans, or Catholics in the nation. However, globally, it is recognised as part of the Christian faith. Either way, the Christian faith is the majority faith of Arkmunster.

Architecture and Art in Arkmunster

Theodore Building, now a multilevel art museum.
Architecture in Arkmunster breaks from traditionalism, with art deco being the favoured style in the nation. Initiatives in Ryde from French immigrants built the Theodore Building, the very first art deco building in Arkmunster. Under the rule of King David, new buildings and art programs were financed to promote a 'new Auchendale', bringing the limited architecture style into the forefront. Modernism found it's own especially in the Revolution, as tradition was replaced with style, and the grandeur of colonial style declined into irrelevance.

National Exhibition Hotel, outside the Ravenhaf Gardens.

A series of buildings would come from this movement, changing Art Deco into a more Arkmunster tinged one. Focusing on lights and decor outside the building, the buildings in Arkmunster are much more stylised then the usual art deco buildings that can be found around the globe. The influence has spread further then just buildings, however, extending even into art and music. It's by far Arkmunster's own style, but there is currents of art nouveau and sustainable architecture that threaten the dominance... giving Arkmunster a wonderful variety of creative and beautiful buildings for anyone to see.

Art in Arkmunster is a street based one, where graffiti and paint dominate the underbelly of the city. While more traditional forms are practiced in Arkmunster, the unique approach and relaxed laws on graffiti has given rise to a creative and unique perspective on art. Glass, brick, and pavement medias are ones you won't see anywhere else, with colour murals dotting the landscape. This reflects the natural feel of Arkmunster - not for the elite but for the citizen.

Glass mural outside the New World Building, Middlemoor.

