
by Kyneland. . 164 reads.

Political Parties of Kyneland

Political Parties
The Kingdom of Kyneland is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. As such, it has a government that is elected by the voting population. Kynish political representation is based upon a proportional representative system, where seats - of which there are 200 - in the legislature are delegated according to a percentage of votes a party had gained in the last election.
Major Political Parties - In order of popularity

Nordic National Party
Kynish blood, Kynish tongue, Kynish faith
The Nordic National Party is a right-wing political party currently leading the government of Kyneland. It is led by Astrid Þórsdóttir, the current Chancellor. The NNP is moderate on societal issues such as abortion and homosexuality, and follows the principles of Kynish nationalism, constitutional monarchism, Pan-Nordicism and environmentalism. The party has upheld the status of paganism as the state religion and has stated in its manifesto to promote the reestablishment of paganism as the supranational religion of the Nordic nations - including Denmark, Sweden, Åland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, the Shetland Islands and Svalbard.

Kynish Democratic Party
For prosperity
The Kynish Democratic Party is a centre-right political party in Kyneland. It is in a government coalition with the Nordic National Party, and its leader is Gilli Birningsson. The KDP is conservative on societal and political issues, standing opposed to abortion and SJWism. The party follows social conservatism, economic liberalism, populism and civic nationalism. The party publicly supports the Kurds, Israelis and the Western World.

Kynish Labour Alliance
Freedom and Liberty for all
The Kynish Labour Alliance is a left-wing political party in Kyneland. It is the official opposition, and is led by Sven Jonsson. The party takes social liberal stances on societal, economic and political issues. It is pro-choice, pro-immigration and pro-EU. It believes in social liberalism, democratic socialism, progressivism and republicanism. The party has been in decline in recent months due to a financial scandal, and a loss of voters has emboldened their even more liberal rival - the Social Democratic Party.

Social Democratic Party
For a fairer Kyneland
The Social Democratic Party is a left-wing and major political party in Kyneland, led by Kari Geirsson. It is an upcoming rival to the Kynish Labour Alliance and has served as an alternative party for social liberals, secular humanists and libertarian socialists. The party is pro-EU, pro-UN and pro-social liberalism. There is not much distinction between the SDP and KLA, but the former is notably more pacifist and capitalist than the latter, which is more aggressively socialist. The party is a rallying point for those against European fascism and bigotry, and has open Muslims in their highest ranks.

League of Kynish Technocrats
The Future, Now
[ ~ WIP ~ ]

Minor Political Parties - In order of popularity

Pirate Party
Let sail the purple banner
[ ~ WIP ~ ]

Independence Party of Kyneland
Our nation, our destiny!
The Independence Party of Kyneland is a right-wing political party led by Bjørn Oleifsson. The party is right libertarian, advocating a minarchist and non-intrusive government. It is Euroskeptic, populist and socially liberal. The party supports the legalisation of marijuana, and the abolishment of the monarchy; it supports a secular presidential republic guided by the principles of John Locke.

Kynish Resistence Movement
On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons
The Kynish Resistence Movement is a neonazi, far-right Pan-Nordic political party affiliated with the Nordic Resistence Movement. It is not a part of the government and publicly opposes the current coalition between of the NNP and KDP. The party is led by Frida Helgasdóttir, and is heavily influenced by other branches of the NRM. The KRM is a militarised party, with notable paramilitary support; it engages in “recreational activities”, believed by some to actually be military training exercises in preparation for the eventual collapse of democracy and the current world order. The party’s ideology consists of neonaziism, ultranationalism, Pan-Nordicism and hard Euroskepticism; some factions within the party support a pagan theocracy.

Brotherhood & Honour
Family, honour, faith
Brotherhood & Honour is a nationalist and militarist political party led by Karl Arnþorsson. It advocates authoritarian democracy and the fusion of military and civil life. In its manifesto are plans for a stratocratic and honourable society led by a "High Marshall." The party upholds pragmatism as its core ideology, and consults respected individuals in the scientific community to inform them on certain matters like identity and inclusivity. Otherwise, they take social conservative stances.

Communist Party of Kyneland
The Red Flag stands tall!
The Communist Party of Kyneland is a far-leftist and unpopular political party in Kyneland. It’s led by the notorious Katla Fridasdóttir, whom is well-known as an acquaintance of the Russian CPRF and an admirer of Trotsky. The party is much in line of general communist thought, such as the upheaval of society and the capitalist system. It is absolutely republican and promises a communist paradise in Kyneland upon the toppling of the non-communist order.

Banned/Defunct Political Parties

Swords of Allah
Allāhu akbar!
The Swords of Allah was an extremist political party active during the mid 2000s. It was led by Safar al-Azzam prior to its dissolution. It ran on an Islamist platform, seeking to Islamise Kyneland and its people. It was connected to a car bombing attack in Garðivík in early 2009, and was swiftly dissolved and its leadership imprisoned. Safar was publicly executed in late December of the same year, and the rest of the party were imprisoned for decades. ISIL and other Islamist terrorist organisations have declared Safar a martyr.

Christian Salvation Front
May God bless our path
The Christian Salvation Front was a far-right, Christian extremist group active during the 1950s up to the mid 1970s. It was last led by Adam Wyllíams, an Anglican Anglo-Saxon. It was criminalised because of the threat it posed to pagan citizens and national spirit. The party ran on a Christian evangelist platform, with the goal being to completely Christianise the nation and instigate societal and governmental upheaval. Part of its leadership that escaped capture are now in the USA, and are led by Jakøb Baker. The party’s ideology combines Christian theocracy with republicanism and authoritarianism.

Kynish National Workers’ Party
Blood! Soil! Fatherland!
The Kynish National Workers Party was a neonazi, far-right extremist political party active during the early 1950s. It was led by Mar Tufisson, a Nazi sympathiser. It was dissolved shortly after being linked to assaults, robberies and murders committed against minorities and Abrahamists. It desired the expulsion of any and all Jews in Kyneland, the absolute destruction of Christendom and the “purification” of the Kynish-Nordic race.

Black Fellowship
Satan be praised!
The Black Fellowship was a satanic and abrahamist cult masquerading as a political party in the 1970s. It was led by “Grand Master” Kol Pictor, whom was later imprisoned for multiple heinous offences such as cannibalism and serial murders. The Fellowship was banned shortly after much of its leadership was convicted of crimes against the state and people. The party desired a Satanist military order in Kyneland, governed by the Grand Master and structured in a similar manner to the Christian holy orders of past ages.

