The Imperial Prefecture of
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

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Political Structure of Kidai

Prefect of Kidai Prefecture

Zhe Nuofu
Appointed to Kidai Prefecture by the Emperor Ren Osarrus XXIV in the year 1900, Zhe has admistered the prefecture throughout the declining presence of Imperial authority,
struggling to maintain Imperial control and the prosperity of the region he administers from Phosong
General of the Kidai Prefectural Garrison

De Renmen
Appointed to command of the Kidai Garrison by Emperor Ren Osarrus XXIV in the year 1900, De often clashes with the
Prefect on how to best protect the populace. Caring deeply for the people of Kidai, despite being a foreigner to the region,
De seeks to preserve the peace and security of the Prefecture whilst minimizing disruption to the Kidai people.
