The Constitutional Monarchy of
Capitalist Paradise

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The Political Parties of Jizue Isles

Party Name

Political Stance

Platform Overview

Voter Base

Progressive Party

Far-Left to Left

The Progressive Party advocate for radical changes on economic and social issues. They prized themselves for breaking with the establishment and forming their own path. A small faction within the party argued for the abolition of the monarchy and creation of communal property distribution.

The Progressive Party is composed of intellectuals, activists, and university students who can be found in coffee shops and debate rooms.

Labor Party


The Labor Party represent the working class, where they tried to reduce perceived economic inequalities via government intervention. However, they tend to be slightly socially conservative due to media consumption as a form of escapism.

The Labor Party have support from factory workers and tenant farmers who can be found resting on their equipment on their 16-hour work shift.

Constitutional Civic Party


The Constitutional Civic Party is a moderate catch-all party that tried to reconcile right and left viewpoints through “realism and pragmatism”. Overall, it’s committed to a regulated free enterprise system, a civic national identity, adequate social services, and creating a meritocratic, tolerant, and open society.

The Constitutional Civic Party’s is primarily composed of the ivory league universities educated gentlemen who can be found working in law firms, medical offices, universities, and think tanks.

The Liberal Party

Centre-Right to Right

The Liberal Party is often regarded as the political arm of corporate interest of the nation. Therefore, its platform centered on liberalization of the economy and streamlining government bureaucracy. The party’s stance on social issues is hazy but tends to follow consumer’s “voting wallet”.

The Liberal Party’s main voter base are from the business establishment and white-collar professionals working for those establishment.

Republican Party


The Republican Party is firmly committed to a representative style government, while advocate for individual initiative and rule of law.

The Republican Party voters are primarily conservative professional middle class who graduated from flagship public universities and live in the safe suburbs.

People Party


The People Party platform is based on a nativist ideology that want to establish a closed border, military conscription to foster community, rigid adherence to tradition, fight “big businesses” and attack the establishment. Often seen as the mob arm of the Monarchy.

The People Party is primarily composed of hermits, religious, and the poor who feel left behind and ignored by the rest of society. You can find them in the local saloons.

Loyalist Party


The Loyalist Party’s platform is principally based on the old feudal system. The Loyalists advocate for a hierarchy based traditional society, expansionary foreign policy, increasing government control on the economy with private industries collaborations, a touch stance on moral and crimes, and preserving the culture heritage of the nation. Often viewed as the political arm of the Monarchy.

The Loyalist Party’s membership is primarily composed of nobility dynasties and old money. Although the party’s members have seen better days, they still retain influence and money.
