The Colony of
Corporate Police State

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The Himmlisches Geschwader (Celestial Squadron)


An elite infantry fighting force experienced in overseas combat, these brave soldiers of Reichskrieg are the backbone of the Celestial Squadron. They form the garrison duty and serve as the standard to which the police force has been modeled after, after sufficient reorganizing. They are leaps and bounds above anything that the Celestial Empire fields somewhat regularly, and will defend Falkenberg till their final breath.

Men of the IV Seebataillon Regiment pose for a picture.


Equally as important as the Seebataillon, but in a different way, the Sailors, or Matrosen, are what keep the naval portion of the squadron running, serving in every role that a ship would require. Should they be needed, they can fight on land fine enough, their basic training being able to handle most situations but this is a last resort. These men will stay on the ships, keep them running, and should the need arise engage enemy vessels on the high seas.

Sailors from the SMS Ruhmland, of the Ruhmland-Class Ironclads, posing for a photo shortly after arrival to Falkenberg.

The Admiral

Admiral Roland von Schiefer, first commander of the Himmlisches Geschwader, as well as the government of Falkenberg.

Admiral Felix von Katzfeld, second commander of the Himmlisches Geschwader and second governor of Falkenberg.


Weapons of the Squadron

Gewehr 98

Maschinengewehr 08

Excludes: Artillery, Vehicles


Notable Ships of the Squadron

SMS Saxon - Kaiser Ferdinand II-Class Pre-Dreadnought Battleship
Giant of the East

Flagship of the Squadron

SMS Krieg - Krieg-Class Armored Cruiser
Saxon's Little Brother

Prumen-Class Cruisers
Backbone of the Fleet

Nordenland-Class Cruisers
Backup to the Backbone

Ruhmland-Class Ironclads (Armored Corvettes)
Slated For Retirement

Excludes: Gunboats, Torpedo Boats, Misc. Ships
