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Digital Age Act

This is an act intended to address concerns relating to new advances in technology.

Section I: Computer Security
1. This act affirms that the content of a computer is private information belonging to the legal owner of the computer (the purchaser).
2. Accessing, installing or deleting files on a computer without the permission of the owner is punishable by a fine of up to 1 000 000 Unials and/or 12 months in prison
a) It is legal to manually access a computer without express permission provided there is no malicious intent.
b) Installing or deleting files and accessing a computer over the internet require explicit informed permission from the owner every time the process is carried out
i) It is the responsibility of the person wishing to access the computer to provide clear information on their reasons for accessing, installing or deleting files.
3. Installing malicious programs (viruses) on a computer is punishable by 2-10 years in prison.
4. Mobile devices are considered computers.

Section II: Copyright Law
1. The copyright holders for visual media are entitled to internet distribution rights.
a)i)These distribution rights may be used by the copyright holder or sold to another party
ii)If internet distribution rights are not utilized within 12 months the content becomes Public Media may be distributed by any free-to-access site provided they do air advertisements on said media.
iii) Public Media status may be revoked at the request of the copyright holder provided they can find a distributor within one month. It is the responsibility of the copyright holder to inform unauthorized distributors that the copyright is again in effect
iv) Internet distribution rights are retained by the original copyright holder and may be sold to multiple distributors unless granted exclusively to one distributor in a binding legal contract.
b)i) The holders of foreign copyrights are similarly considered to own internet distribution rights.
ii) These rights are retained when distribution rights for conventional media are sold to Charellian distributors unless specified in the contract.
iii) If internet distribution rights for foreign copyright holders are not utilized within 18 months the content becomes Public Media and may be distributed by Charellian sites without permission. Special exemptions may be made by the Executor of Culture where circumstances warrant.
iv) Distribution rights sold to non-Charellian distributors will be recognized if they make content available to Charellian citizens
2. Similar rules will apply to the distribution of e-books with some the exception that internet distribution rights may be retained indefinitely if the book is being sold in print form within Charellia
3. Copyrighted music may not be distributed over the internet for profit.
a) It is legal to transfer music between devices owned or shared by the same person.
b) It is legal to stream music online for free.
c)It is not legal to download music from an unauthorized distributor.
i) Unauthorized for profit distributors will be prosecuted and may be subject to civil action.
ii) Unauthorized non-profit distributors will be shut down.
iii) Illegal downloaders will be reported to the copyright holder and may be fined up to 1 Unial for each song downloaded at the request of the copyright holder and payed to the copyright holder.

Section III: Internet Policing
1. The Department of Online Activities will be created to enforce this legislation.
2. The Department of Online Activities will work in cooperation with the Federal Police but will not have police powers.
3. Upon identifying any violations of the Digital Age Act or other illegal activity the Department of Online Activities will alert the appropriate people including the Federal Police, copyright holders or foreign law enforcement agencies.
